To maximize the success of your business, invest an hour one Tuesday a week in free Business Success Seminars at Lone Star College-CyFair.
This series continues through April 3 with intergenerational marketing, facebook essentials, goal-setting strategies and QuickBooks. No sign up is required and there will be door prizes.
The free weekly Business Success Seminars will be held Tuesdays from 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the library, room 131 (unless otherwise noted) on the Barker Cypress campus at 9191 Barker Cypress. There is no workshop Tuesday, March 13 due to Spring Break.
Tuesday March 6: Intergenerational Marketing! - Gen X, Millennials, Baby Boomers, and the Greatest Generation. How can you reach everyone with your message? Darlene Hajduk of Proline Supply Company reveals the secrets to understanding the different generations in order to sell to them. |
Tuesday March 20: Facebook Essentials for Business - Are you wondering how to market using Facebook? Join Melissa Rotholz, LSC-CyFair’s Director of Instructional and Organizational Development, in the library computer lab to set up your Facebook business page and get practical tips on how to promote using Facebook. You may want to bring your laptop. Note: This session meets in library computer lab 203. |
Tuesday March 27: Breakthrough Goal-Setting Strategies - Everyone dreams. Those with a plan succeed. Discover how to make your business plans a reality using well-defined goals that are clear and measurable, and that lead you in the right direction with Melissa Lombard of Red Bird Business Results. |
Tuesday April 3: QuickBooks for Small Business - Are your books cooked or just well done? Take a crash course in QuickBooks, an inexpensive and versatile software program. Find out if being your own bookkeeper is for you with Deborah Hroch of the University of Houston Small Business Development Center and Deborah Hroch & Associates, L.L.C. |
For information on the spring Business Success Seminar series, which the Small Business Development Center and the LSC-CyFair Branch Library are sponsoring, go to or call 281.290.3214 or 832.482.1057.