Try something new this spring to enhance your college experience, transcript and resume like a Learning Community courses at Lone Star College-CyFair.
What is a Learning Community? A set of courses that focus on a common theme, such as “Guts and Glory: Choices Made, Choices Lived With” which Laura Taggett and Maria Sanders will teach. This spring Learning Community combines the English course British Literature: Anglo-Saxon to Mid-18th Century (ENGL 2322 5001) with the philosophy course Introduction to Ethics (PHIL 2306 5006.) Students will be interacting with material from both courses looking at the ethics both in their lives and in literature as well.
All Learning Communities are designed to explore the possibilities of the “intersection” of distinct disciplines. Projects and assignments related to a common theme explore both subject areas or use one content area to enhance the other. Instructors work together to intertwine their disciplines so that the student experience goes beyond what they would ordinarily encounter in the classes if taken separately.
So what are the benefits? Students register for both courses (and any labs) and get credit for both. Students gain an increased understanding of the connections between the disciplines as well as greater course satisfaction. With smaller class sizes and two instructors, classes tend to be more discussion focused and students get more individualized attention.
Check out these other new LSC-CyFair Learning Communities available for this spring.
Matt Turner and Robert O’Brien teach “History and Literature of the American West” which combines Composition and Rhetoric II (ENGL 1302 5027) and U.S. History Since 1877 (HIST 1301 5023.) Students in this course will explore the history and literature of the West in the late 19th and 20th century, with a particular focus on immigration and ethnic groups.
Clay White and Ronnie Nespeca will teach “A Biological Expeditioning Experience” which combines Biology II (BIOL 1407 5007 and BIOL 1407 5008) with Backcountry Expeditioning I (KINE 1172 5001.) Students will attend regular biology class, but labs will include two weekend camping trips to local state parks where they will learn about biology and camping techniques.
Christoph Schiessl and Gail Marxhausen will teach “What is America?” which combines U.S. History Since 1877 (HIST 1302 5021) with Composition and Rhetoric I (ENGL 1301 5032.) Students will explore topics such as race relations, immigration and gender as well as more eclectic topics such as the American infatuation with the perfect lawn.
Sandra Harvey and Paula Khalaf will teach “Bridging the Gap” which combines U.S. History to 1877 (HIST 1301 5003) with Developmental Reading II (ENGL 0305 5061.) The theme is bridging the gap between the transitional and credit courses through the application of learned study and reading skills in an actual college credit course.
For information on these specific courses, contact the faculty instructor directly. For general Learning Community information, go to Register now, spring classes start Jan. 18.