
LSC-Montgomery Disability Services

Maverick Student Center Building outdoor photo
Welcome to the LSC-Montgomery Disability Services office. We are committed to ensuring that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from campus programs, services, and activities. Our team assists students by determining and coordinating appropriate academic support services and ensuring students have a fully accessible college experience. We also focus on helping students with disabilities make a successful transition to college and act as a referral source for services both on campus and within the community.

Who might request a college accommodation?

Anyone with a disability that causes a functional impact.

What accommodations are available? 

Some available accommodations include:

  • Assistive technology solutions, in conjunction with the Assistive Technology lab
  • Extra time on tests
  • Reduced distraction testing environment
  • Textbook conversion to accessible format

How does a student apply?

How do I renew my accommodations each semester? 


Assistive Technology (AT) is the use of technology to provide equal access to information. Assistive Technology Services in the Disability Services department offers technology support services for students with disabilities such as audio books, adaptive software/hardware, alternative format materials, and equipment loan along with AT consultation, training, resources, and support. 

Alternative Format Materials

Students with documented print disabilities that preclude the student from using standard print, may be eligible to request required course materials in alternative formats such as:

  • Audio books
  • Electronic text
  • Large print

Requests for alternative format materials should be submitted through the student's Virtual Disability Assistance Center (VDAC) account. 

Adaptive Software and Hardware

Adaptive software and hardware obtained and installed in various campus computers and our Assistive Technology lab and made available for exam administration based on disability need. Common software and hardware available include:

  • Screen Magnification software (ZoomText)
  • Voice Recognition software (Dragon NaturallySpeaking)
  • Text-to-Speech software (TextHelp Read & Write)
  • Video Magnifiers/CCTV's
  • Adaptive mice and keyboards
  • Adjustable height desks

Additional software and hardware are obtained and installed on a case-by-case basis.

Equipment Loan

Qualified students with disabilities may be able to borrow equipment on a semester basis including items such as, but not limited to:

  • Audio recorder
  • Smart Pen
  • Personal Assistive Listening Devices (Comtek AT-21, Phonak Remote Mic)

  • Information for prospective and current Dual Credit students and families.

  • The Testing Center offers a variety of accommodations for students on their tests and exams.


Campus Contact Location Contact Information
Vicky Saunders, MA, CRC
Director, Disability and Testing Services
Maverick Student Center - MSC 267 Email
Phone: (936) 273-7239

Dorothy McNicol, MA

Conroe Center - CC 100A

Phone: (936) 521-4529

Kim Killian
Coordinator II & Scribe Services

Maverick Student Center - MSC 265

Phone: (936) 271-6034
Charlene Aldridge
Specialist IV
Maverick Student Center - MSC 270 Email
Phone: (936) 271-6186

Student Support Services

Campus Service Location Contact Information
Alternative Formatting Maverick Student Center - MSC 270 Assistive Technology Lab
(936) 271-6186
Interpreter and Captioning
Request services at least 3 business days in advance using online request form

Interpreter Services

The Write Place

Building G - Room 103

The Write Place
(936) 273-7055

Testing Center

Maverick Student Center - MSC 220             

Testing Center
(936) 273-7377
Tutoring Services Building F - 1st Floor STAAR Center
(936) 273-7404                                     


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