
II.K. Media Relations and Communications

II.K.1. Media Relations and Communications

II.K.1. Media Relations and Communications

II.K.1.01. Media Relations Representatives

The Chancellor and each college President’s designated media relations representatives are responsible for maintaining working relationships with news media, initiating news releases and other proactive communication with media, responding to inquiries, coordinating crisis communications, and tracking news coverage of the College.

II.K.1.02. Definitions

(a)   Media Communications means news releases or other public communications naming an affiliation with the College or any of its colleges or otherwise linking to the College’s identity.

II.K.1.03. Approval Requirement

Media communications issued by other entities officially recognized by the College must be approved by a designated media relations representative before distribution. Related issues concerning advertising and branding are addressed in other policies and issues regarding intellectual property—including trademarks—are also addressed in another policy.

II.K.1.04. Communication Plans

Designated media relations representatives shall prepare a communication plan covering processes and procedures for media relations and internal and external communications.

The College shall also adopt an emergency communication plan that includes guidelines and procedures for communicating to all stakeholders. The emergency communication plan designates and provides a process to notify crisis communication teams.

II.K.1.05. Communication with Media by College Personnel

Designated media relations representatives shall be referred any media inquiries regarding administrative or policy matters.

Employees who are not designated media relations representatives have a right to express individual opinions to the public, but they should identify their comments as personal, confine personal communication initiatives to their personal time, and avoid linking the College’s identity to their personal advocacy of topics and issues outside the scope of their job-related duties.  Employee participation in political activity and freedom of association is addressed in a separate policy.


LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on December 1, 2016

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