
LSC-Online Disability Services

Image of students studying

Welcome! LSC-Online Disability Services is committed to ensuring students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from college programs, services, and activities. We assist students by determining and coordinating appropriate academic support services and ensuring students have a fully accessible college experience. We also focus on helping students with disabilities make a successful transition to the college and act as a referral source for services both on campus and within the community.

Contact Information

Tamara Herod, M.A.
Disability Services Manager
Lone Star College-Online
Phone: (281) 290-3653
Request accommodations online through the LSC Virtual Disability Assistance Center (VDAC).

Learn more by watching our Disability Services Student Orientation Video!

LSC-Online video about online programs
Disability Services Student Orientation


Graphic saying "An Ally for Everyone: Online Tools You Can Use!" opens new link to information about Ally
Link to Information About Ally


To request accommodations, please visit LSC’s Virtual Disability Assistance Center, VDAC. VDAC is the first virtual stop at all campuses for all students requesting accommodations; all new and returning students, Dual Credit students, and students needing accommodations for placement testing, such as the TSIA. Students will also use VDAC to upload disability documentation and renew or request changes to accommodations each semester. You can find VDAC from the main Accessibility Services and Resources page. Click on “Students Requesting Accommodations” to find the steps for new students. Fill out the online student application and submit documentation. A Disability Services Provider will contact you for an appointment or to let you know if further information is needed to process your request. Students are encouraged to begin this process at least four weeks before classes begin.

Yes, every semester you will need to renew your accommodations for each class you are enrolled in. This is because the type of class (e.g., online or in person) and the subject (e.g., Math, Art) are just a few items considered when developing accommodations. Go to the main Accessibility Services and Resources page. Click on “Students Requesting Accommodations” and scroll down to returning students. Click Log into VDAC to select which accommodations you want for each class.

To receive accommodations, you will have to provide current documentation from a licensed or certified professional qualified to treat and diagnose the disability. This can include medical documentation, such as a letter from your provider, or a full evaluation or diagnostic report. Because K-12 and Higher Education laws differ, it is important to note that K-12 documentation may not fully satisfy LSC documentation requirements. LSC’s Medical Verification Form can also be used.


Image stating "For Students" that opens link to student information website: VLAC.LoneStar.edu Image stating "For Faculty" that opens link to faculty resources site: VTAC.LoneStar.edu
For Students For Faculty

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