
Interlibrary Loan

If the LSC Libraries do not have an item, you can request it through Interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service to request materials that are not available from the LSC, HCPL, or MCMLS.


Interlibrary loan requests are submitted online through the ILL Request Form.

Please fill out the request form accurately and completely to ensure timely processing. 



Who can use Interlibrary loan?

  • Lone Star College currently enrolled students (Including Dual Credit)
  • Lone Star College faculty and staff
  • Lone Star College Board of Trustees members

All requestors must be in good standing with no overdue books or outstanding fines. Exceptions for employees must be approved by the campus library administration.  

How many items can I request and how long can I keep them?

  • Students are limited to 5 ILL's requests at one time.
  • Employees can request 10 ILL's at one time

Due dates are set by the lending library. Most libraries will lend materials on interlibrary loan for two to three weeks from the date received at the Lone Star College Library Technical Services office. 

If a renewal for an interlibrary loan is necessary, a request for a renewal should be made by contacting the Interlibrary Loan Specialist by email at ILLDistrict@lonestar.edu  or by phone (281-290-3631) at least two days before the date due.

What kind of materials can I request?

ILL is for items not owned by LSC Libraries or their county partners at Harris County Public Libraries (HCPL) or Montgomery County Memorial Library System (MCMLS). If you would like to request an item from HCPL or MCMLS please use the Place Hold  button in the library catalog. Requestable material may include: 

  • Books (Print Only)
  • Book Chapters
  • Articles (Print or Electronic)
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Music Scores
  • DVD, CD's, Audiobooks
  • Microforms

 Are there any restrictions?

Interlibrary loan requests may be denied based on the lending policies of the lending institution. This might include items that are recently published under a publisher embargo, brand new to their collection or in poor condition.

We do not borrow textbooks currently in use at Lone star College campuses. Most lending libraries limit textbooks to their own student body. 

E-books are restricted by publisher or vendor licensing agreements and may not be borrowed or loaned through ILL.

Are there any costs?

LSC does not charge for Interlibrary Loan and most books and articles can be borrowed free of charge from cooperating institutions. Occasionally there is a fee assessed by the lending library. The patron will be notified if cost of acquiring materials exceeds the maximum cost indicated by the patron on the ILL form.

The patron is responsible for any lender fees charged by the lending library, as well as the cost of lost or damaged materials and/or any overdue fines levied by the lending library. 

How will I receive the materials?

Interlibrary loan requests may require two to three weeks to process. Interlibrary loan services are dependent upon the other institutions' workload and other conditions beyond Lone Star College control, including mail delivery, institutional holidays, etc. Patrons are notified via email when ILL requests are received.

  • Physical items are held at the Circulation desk for one week.
  • Digital articles are sent via email with an access link and password with instructions.
  • Most articles are available electronically. If a library sends photocopies, they are available for pick up at the Circulation desk until the end of the semester.

LSC Online - Please select the campus location closest to you.   

Copyright Compliance

The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of theses specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use", that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Patrons must acknowledge this on the request form when submitting an interlibrary loan request.

Materials borrowed through ILL may not be photocopied or reproduced by the borrower. Items may not be used on course reserve. 

Suspension of Interlibrary Loan Privileges

Interlibrary loan privileges may be suspended for the following reasons:

  • Failure to pick up requested materials,
  • Failure to return books on time,
  • Failure to pay any handling charges,
  • Failure to pay overdue charges or book replacement costs or an accumulation of overdue materials and fines by the patron.
  • Normal library check-out privileges may also be suspended for failure to pay any of the above charges.



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