IV.C.1. Compensation Practices
All College employees are paid according to a salary schedule established by the Chancellor effective the start of the fiscal year after the Board of Trustees approves the budget. The Chancellor is the only College employee with discretion to grant a salary schedule exception. The Chief Human Resources Officer will identify direct reports who successfully request variances on the Board’s Monthly Agenda under Personnel Reports.
IV.C.1.2. Definitions
- Compensatory Time means paid time off in the amount of 1.5 hour for every 1 hour of overtime worked.
- Overtime Hours means all hours worked over 40 hours in the standard workweek.
IV.C.1.3. Working Overtime Hours
The College’s standard workweek is midnight Sunday through 11:59 p.m. (CT) the following Saturday. Any time beyond 40 hours worked in a standard workweek is considered overtime hours. Employees assigned to non-exempt positions must be compensated for overtime hours worked. Hours taken as vacation, sick, compensatory, or other leaves are not considered hours worked. All overtime must be pre-approved in writing by a direct-line supervisor overseeing that non-exempt employee’s work. The overtime-distributing supervisor must objectively distribute overtime hours in an equitable manner. All non-exempt employees must record their time; their supervisors must ensure the timely and accurate submission of hourly records to the payroll office.
IV.C.1.4. Getting Paid for Overtime Hours
Overtime hours are paid through (a) compensatory time off at a 1.5 hour rate for every 1 hour of overtime hours worked; or (b) cash payments at the rate at 1.5 times the regular rate of pay for all overtime hours worked. Each stands alone. Employees must be paid for compensatory hours at their current rate of pay in the last pay period of each fiscal year end that is paid after September 1st, or in the immediate pay period for hours in excess of 240. Accrued compensatory time is applied before vacation leave during an employee absence. If an employee becomes ineligible for compensatory time by either termination or transferred to another cost center, he or she is entitled to be paid for all unused compensatory time.
IV.C.1.5. Payroll and Salary Deductions
The College allows its employees to take salary deductions under circumstances outlined and documented by the Chancellor or a designee. Conversely, routine payroll deductions from employee salaries are made when required by law. Full-time employees and adjuncts are paid twice a month, near each month’s mid-point and end. All employees receive their pay by direct deposit to a bank account of their choice or a Direct Pay Card. Part-time employees and work-study participants are paid every 14 days. Work-study participants funded with state or federal dollars may be paid via a paper check upon request by the participant.