
LSC-Montgomery History Department

What is History?

The history department seeks to engage students through the twin channels of quality and innovation. Computer technology, group learning, and other non-traditional methods of instruction combine to help a higher percentage of students be successful. The high caliber of our friendly risk-taking, professional faculty ensures the quality of the instruction delivered in this manner. The history team is proud of its achievement in these areas.

Faculty & Staff

Name Phone Office
Roy Turner
Dean of Instruction
936.273.7465 Roy.D.Turner@LoneStar.edu  G-120B
Amy Curry
Department Chair,
936.273.7057 Amy.B.Curry@LoneStar.edu A-220F
Craig Livingston
936.273.7329 Craig.Livingston@LoneStar.edu A-220J
Elizabeth Starbuck
936.271.6115 Elizabeth.J.Sze@LoneStar.edu A-220B
Betsy Powers
936.273.7036 Betsy.J.Powers@LoneStar.edu A-220H
William Morgan
936.273.7355 William.A.Morgan@LoneStar.edu A-220P
Rebecca Howard
936.273.7264 Rebecca.A.Howard@LoneStar.edu A-220A

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