
LSC-CyFair Health Science Center

The Health Science Center is where all of the labs for the various health-related programs on campus are housed, plus additional faculty and division offices.This is where all of the labs for the various health-related programs on campus are housed, plus additional faculty and division offices.

Faculty Suite - This is where you will find some offices of full-time faculty members on campus.

Medical Assistant Lab - This is where the medical assistant students are able to get hands-on training in using many of its specialized techniques and working with models as well as real people.

Nursing Lab - This is where nursing students can get hands-on experience performing the various techniques demonstrated during class.

Radiology Lab - This is where radiology students can get hands-on experience using the various specialized tools in the profession.

Sonography Lab - This is where sonography students can get hands-on experience using the specialized equipment in their field.

HSC is also where you will find classrooms, faculty offices and the Division 2 & 4 offices.

Faculty Suite
This is where you will find offices of full-time faculty members on campus.

Division 2 & 4 Offices
This is where the offices of Division 2 & 4 are housed.
Division 2 Departments: Science; Engineering
Division 4 Departments: Public Service; Health and Behavioral Sciences

Science Labs
This is where the science labs are located for biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, and physics courses.


Devin Walton
HSC Rm 204

Tricia Davis
HSC2 Rm. 145

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