Welcome to Lone Star College's Office of the General Counsel web page. The Office of the General Counsel provides information and related services to Lone Star College and its component campuses and centers. To best meet the needs of our complex constituency, our office assumes a variety of roles.
The Office of the General Counsel strives to provide timely and responsible legal advice regarding the expansive array of legal issues that face a thriving, modern, public community college system, such as Lone Star College. Our office addresses existing and potential legal matters in order to help the College continue to be the premier institution of higher education.
All matters requiring legal advice or legal action should be referred to the Office of the General Counsel.
Important Information
Notice: This site is intended to be used by employees of Lone Star College in their official capacities. It is not intended to provide personal legal advice to any individual or entity.
Contact Information
Name | Position |
Nancy Molina | Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs and General Counsel |
Britney Brown | Deputy General Counsel |
Timothy T. Stewart | Associate General Counsel |
Christina Wood | Senior Legal Counsel |
Davion White | Assistant General Counsel |
Sonia López | Assistant General Counsel |
Stephen Stack | Assistant General Counsel |
Esai Salazar | Legal Operations Manager |
Brianaca Collins | Paralegal I |
Eric Castillo | Paralegal I |
Laura Standlee | Coordinator II, Legal |
Email: LSC-OfficeOfTheGeneralCounsel@lonestar.edu
Phone: 832-813-6779