
Internal and External Exams

PLA By Internal Challenge Exams

Photo of Students

Internal challenge exams are developed by LSC faculty and administered at campus testing centers or within academic departments. These challenge exams follow standardized criteria across LSC campuses and may only be taken once. Students must consult with an advisor to confirm eligibility and available testing options. 

Challenge Exams by Subject

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
DFTG 1305 Introduction to Technical Drawing 80%
DFTG  1309 Basic Computer-Aided Drafting 80%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score 
EMSP  1438 Introduction to Advanced Practice 70%
EMSP 1355 Trauma Management  70%
EMSP 1356 Patient Assessment & Airway Management 70%
EMSP 2143 Assessment Based Management 70%
EMSP  2305 EMS Operations 70%
EMSP 2306 Emergency Pharmacology 70%
EMSP 2330 Special Populations 70%
EMSP 2434 Medical Emergencies 70%
EMSP 2444 Cardiology 70%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
HART 1307 Refrigeration Principles 80%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
MCHN 1302 Print Reading for Machine Trades 85%
MCHN 1343 Machine Shop Mathematics 85%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
HITT 1305 Medical Terminology I 70%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
MUSI 1181 Class Piano I 70%
MUSI  1182 Clas Piano II 70%
MUSI 2181 Class Piano III 70%
MUSI 2182 Class Piano IV 70%
MUSI  1116 Sight Singing & Ear Training I 70%
MUSI 1311 Theory I 31.5

Subject  LSC Course Title  Passing Score 
PHRA 1304 Pharmacotherapy & Disease Process (for AAS students only) 70%
PHRA 1305 Drug Classification (for AAS students only) 70%
PHRA  1309 Pharmaceutical Mathematics I 70%
PHRA 1347 Pharmaceutical Mathematics II (for AAS students only) 70%
PHRA  1413 Community Pharmacy Practice (for AAS students only) 70%

Subject  LSC Course Title  Passing Score
POFT 1329 Beginning Keyboarding 70%
ITSW 1301 Introduction to Word Processing  80%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
RADR 1260 Clinical  75%
RADR 1313 Principles of Radiographic Imaging I 75%
RADR 1409

Introduction to Radiography & Patient Care

RADR 1411 Basic Radiographic Procedures 75%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
SGNL 1401 Beginning American Sign Language I 70%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
WLDG 1428 Introduction to Shielded Metal Inspector Exam  85%
WLDG  1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 85%

Subject  LSC Course Title Passing Score
VTHT 1301 Introduction to Veterinary Technology 55%
*PLA credit can only be awarded if student shows successful completion of internal challenge exam and holds current CVA Level 1 Certificate. Student must have CVA level 1 to take exam. Contact Veterinary Technology program director for more testing information. 

PLA By External Challenge Examinations

Photo of a student

Lone Star College awards course credit for minimum passing scores on the nationally recognized college entrance and subject exams identified below. Students are responsible for test arrangements and making sure official score reports are sent to Lone Star College. In addition to minimum passing scores, students may be required to complete a course or additional assessment before being eligible for credit.

Students should send the official score report to Lone Star College directly from the testing organization to request credit. Students are highly encouraged to discuss their academic goals with an advisor before registering for any exam.

LSC accepts score reports for select exams administered through the following organizations:

External Challenge Exams by Subject

Subject Area Examination LSC Course Min. Score Credits Earned
Art History AP College Board ARTS 1303 3 3
Biology  AP BIOL 1406, 1407 3 8
Calculus AB AP MATH 2413 3 4
Calculus BC AP MATH 2413 3 4
Calculus BC AP MATH 2413, 2414 4 8
Chemistry  AP CHEM 1405 3 4
Chemistry  AP CHEM 1411, 1412 4 8
Computer Science  AP COSC 1436, 1437 3 8
Computer Science Principles AP COSC 1315 or ITSE 1302 3 3
Economics: Macroeconomics AP ECON 2301 3 3
Economics: Microeconomics AP ECON 2302 3 3
English Language & Composition AP ENGL 1301 3 3
English Literature & Composition AP ENGL 1302 3 3
English Usage ACT ENGL 1301 31 3
Environmental Science AP ENVR 1401 3 4
French Language & Culture AP FREN 1411, 1412 3 8
French Language & Culture  AP  FREN 1411, 1412, 2311 4 11
French Language & Culture AP FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 5 14
German Language & Culture AP GERM 1411, 1412 3 8
German Language & Culture AP GERM 1411, 1412, 2311 4 11
German Language & Culture AP GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 5 14
Government & Politics: United States AP GOVT 2305 3 3
Human Geography AP GEOG 1302 3 3
Italian Language & Culture AP ITAL 1411, 1412 3 8
Italian Language & Culture AP ITAL 1411, 1412, 2311 4 11
Italian Language & Culture AP  ITAL 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 5 14
Math SAT (before 3/5/2016 MATH 1314 640 3
Math Usage ACT MATH 1314 28 3
Music Theory  AP MUSI 1116 and 1311 3 4
Physics I (Algebra-Based) AP PHYS 1401 3 4
Physics II (Algebra-Based) AP PHSY 1402 3 4
Physics C: Mechanics AP PHYS 1401 3 4
Physics C: Mechanics AP PHYS 1401, 2425 4 8
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism  AP PHYS 1402 3 4
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism  AP  PHSY 1402, 2426 4 8
Pre-Calculus AP MATH 1314 3 3
Pre-Calculus AP MATH 1314, 1316 4 6
Psychology AP PSYC 2301 3 3
Spanish Language & Culture AP  SPAN 1411, 1412 3 8
Spanish Language & Culture AP SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311 4 11
Spanish Language & Culture AP SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 5 14
Statics AP MATH 1342 3 3
U.S. History  AP  HIST 1301, 1302 3 6
World History: Modern AP  HIST 2321 3 3
Writing  SAT (before 3/5/2016) ENGL 1301 690 3

Subject Area LSC Course Min. Score Credits Earned
Arabic ARAB 1411 2.2-3.5 4
Arabic  ARAB 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
Arabic ARAB 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11
Chinese CHIN 1411 2.2-3.5 4
Chinese CHIN 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
Chinese CHIN 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11
French  FREN 1411 2.2-3.5 4
French FREN 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
French FREN 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11
Italian  ITAL 1411 2.2-3.5 4
Italian  ITAL 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
Italian  ITAL 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11
Japanese JAPN 1411 2.2-3.5 4
Japanese JAPN 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
Japanese JAPN 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11
Spanish  SPAN 1411 2.2-3.5  4
Spanish  SPAN 1411, 1412 3.6-5.1 8
Spanish SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311 5.2-6 11

**Footnote (Foreign Language) The AVANT exam is a placement exam only. The student will be placed in the appropriate course based on the exam score. Upon successful completion of the placement course, with a grade of "C" or better, the student will be awarded credit for the completed course and all other lower-level courses within that foreign language. This is an automated process by student records and does not require additional action by the advisor. Credit will be awarded within 32 days of posted grades. Please do not request student records to post the grade prior to the 3-day period. 

Subject Area LSC Course Min. Score Credits Earned
American Government GOVT 2305 50 3
Calculus MATH 2413 50 4
Calculus with Elementary Function MATH 2413 50 4
College Algebra MATH 1314 50 3
College Mathematics  MATH 1332 50 3
English Literature ENGL 2322, 2323 46 6
Financial Accounting ACCT 2301 50 3
French Level I FREN 1411, 1412 50 8
German Level I GERM 1411, 1412 50 8
Human Growth & Development PSYC 2314 50 3
Intro to Psychology PSYC 2301 50 3
Intro to Sociology  SOCI 1301 50 3
Pre-Calculus  MATH 2412 50 4
Principles of Management BMGT 1327 50 3
Principles of Marketing  MRKG 1311 50 3
Information Systems ITSC 1301 50 3
Introductory Business Law BUSI 2301 50 3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 50 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 50 3
Spanish Language Level I SPAN 1411, 1412 50 8
U.S. History I HIST 1301 50 3
U.S. History II HIST 1302 50 3
Western Civilization I HIST 2311 46 3
Western Civilization II HIST 2312 47 3

Subject Area LSC Course Min. Score Credits Earned
Fundamental of Counseling DAAC 1311 400 3
Lifespan/Development Psychology  PSYC 2314 400 3
Principles of Financial Accounting ACCT 2301 400 3
Principles of Supervision  BMGT 1301 400 3
Personal Finance BUSI 1307 400 3
Substance Abuse  DAAC 1319 400 3

Subject Area Examination LSC Course Min. Score Credits Earned
Biology SL BIOL 1406 4 4
Biology HL BIOL 1406, 1407 4 8
Business Management   BUSI 1301 3 3
Chemistry  SL CHEM 1411 4 4
Chemistry HL CHEM 1411, 1412 4 8
English Language  SL ENGL 1301, 1302 4 6
English Language HL ENGL 1301, 1302, 2332 4 9
French AB FREN 1411 4 4
French B, SL FREN 1411, 1412 4 8
French  B, HL FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 4 14
Further Mathematics SL MATH 1332 4 3
Geology SL ENVR 1401 or GEOG 1405 4 4
Geography HL GEOG 1303 4 3
German  B, SL GERM 1411 4 4
German  AB GERM 1411, 1412 4 8
German HL GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 4 14
History SL HIST 2321 or 2322 5 3
History  HL HIST 2321 or 2322 4 3
Italian  AB ITAL 1411 4 4
Italian  B, SL ITAL 1411, 1412 4 8
Italian  B, HL ITAL 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 4 14
Intro to Philosophy SL or HL  PHIL 1301 4 3
Mathematics HL MATH 1325 4 3
Mathematics- Analysis & Approaches SL & HL MATH 1314, 1332, 1324, 1316, or 1342 4 3
Mathematics- Analysis & Approaches SL & HL Math 1325 or 2412 5 3-4
Mathematics- Analysis & Approaches SL & HL  Math 2413 6 4
Mathematics- Applications & Interpretation SL & HL  Math 1314, 1332, 1324, 1316, or 1342 4 3
Mathematics- Applications & Interpretation SL & HL  Math 1325 or 2412 5 3-4
Mathematics- Applications & Interpretation SL & HL  Math 2413 6 4
Mathematical Studies SL MATH 1332 4 3
Music SL or HL MUSI 1306 3 3
Physics HL PHYS 1401 4 4
Psychology  SL  PSYC 2301 3 3
Psychology  HL PSYC 2301 4 3
Social & Cultural Anthropology HL ANTH 2346 4 3
Spanish AB SPAN 1411 4 4
Spanish  B, SL SPAN 1411, 1412 4 8
Spanish HL SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 4 14
Theater Arts SL or HL DRAM 1310 3 3
Visual Arts SL or HL ARTS 1301, 1311 or 1316 3 3

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