
LSC-Montgomery Engineering Department

Elevate the Future in Engineering

Welcome to our dynamic and forward-thinking Engineering Department at Lone Star College–Montgomery.

Our Associate of Science in Engineering degree is meticulously designed to seamlessly transfer to a 4-year University.

Embracing the Texas Coordinating Board Voluntary Transfer Compact, our curriculum ensures a smooth transition for students, emphasizing a holistic understanding of engineering principles.

Here, we nurture aspiring engineers, providing them with a robust education that mirrors the rigor and quality of university-level coursework. Our dedicated faculty members bring real-world expertise to the classroom, fostering an environment where innovation and critical thinking thrive.

Whether you're passionate about mechanical, electrical, civil, or any other branch of engineering, our program lays the groundwork for success. Join us on a journey of academic excellence, where every course contributes to a future-ready engineering mindset.

Prepare for a seamless transition to your chosen university and embark on a rewarding path toward a successful engineering career with Lone Star College-Montgomery’s AS in Engineering program.

The Associate of Science degree in Engineering has been developed to help ease students’ transfer from community college to baccalaureate engineering program; for students planning a career in an engineering field; to assist students in saving tuition money by completing basic coursework at the community college; and to expand the pipeline into engineering careers and produce more engineering graduates.

The AS in Engineering degree is designed to transfer as a degree, rather than on a course-by-course basis, and the courses correspond to equivalent university degree coursework as agreed upon through the Texas Coordinating Board Voluntary Transfer Compact. For more information visit the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

In general, the first year of study is common to all of the Associates of Engineering degrees and the second year involves some divergence in coursework. Lone Star College now offers the following Associates of Science degrees:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Engineering FAQs

Academic Background for Lone Star College’s Engineering Program

Although this is an open admissions program, the key to successfully mastering engineering coursework is a strong foundation in mathematics. Students entering the program must have already taken college algebra, and most of the courses will require trigonometry and calculus.

Transferring to a University Engineering Program

Each engineering college has their own admissions requirements and we encourage students to refer to the Transfer Compact (see above) and contact an advisor in the targeted transfer school(s) as early as possible to ensure they are taking the most appropriate coursework for that institution.

Getting Started

Enroll in the college, meet with an advisor on campus, and enroll in the courses recommended below. If you’re not sure which engineering field is right for you, make sure to take Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 1201) the first semester which will give you an overview of the industry, the various sub-disciplines, and types of engineering careers. At the end of the first semester, you will be encouraged to declare a particular associate of science in engineering.

Learn about Engineering Discipline Choices

We suggest you talk with engineers from various fields. These sites may also help narrow your focus:

Engineering Courses and Degrees at LSC-Montgomery

As we are in a roll-out phase for our program, we suggest you check the Mechanical Engineering Associate of Science page for the most up to date information.


Lone Star College offers a limited number of engineering-specific scholarships and there are also community college engineering scholarships offered by external entities.
Both types are listed here on the LSC-CyFair Pre-engineering Scholarships (PDF).

Staff & Faculty

Division Contact Information

Office Location: Library Building (Bldg. F), Room F-236
Front Desk: 936.273.7083
Fax: 936.273.7041

Name Phone Office
David Benzel
936-273-7092 David.P.Benzel@LoneStar.edu F-252
Nathalie Brandes
Department Chair
936-273-7419 Nathalie.N.Brandes@LoneStar.edu B-220C
Miguel Garcia-Rubio
936-271-6228 Miguel.Garcia-Rubio@LoneStar.edu B-100K

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