
LSC-University Park Education Department

Education Department

The Education Department at Lone Star College-University Park equips students to become well-prepared teachers with an Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degree program. This program prepares students to enter a variety of careers in education or transfer to a four-year university to continue working toward a Bachelor of Teaching.

LSC-University Park Education department offers courses including Introduction to the Teaching Profession (EDUC-1301) and Introduction - Special Populations (EDUC-2301), both of which are International Studies-designated courses. LSC-University Park also teaches Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience (EDUC-1300; required for many Lone Star College programs) and Texas Early Childhood Articulation (TECA) classes. 

REGISTER for AA in Teaching classes.

  • Composition & Rhetoric - ENGL-1301
  • College Algebra - MATH-1314
  • Introduction to the Teaching Profession - EDUC-1301
  • United States History I - HIST-1301
  • Composition & Rhetoric II - ENGL-1302
  • United States History II - HIST-1302
  • Mathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I) - MATH-1350
  • Communication Elective - Choose 1 class (3 credits) from options listed
  • Life & Physical Sciences Electives - Choose 3 classes (12 credits) from options listed
  • Federal Government - GOVT-2305
  • Texas Government - GOVT-2306
  • Mathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II) - MATH-1351
  • Introduction - Special Populations - EDUC-2301
  • Creative Arts Elective - Choose 1 class (3 credits) from options listed
  • Component Area Elective - Technical & Business Writing - ENGL-2311 or Texas History - HIST-2301
  • Social /Behavioral Sciences Elective - Choose 1 class (3 credits) from options listed
  • Language, Philosophy & Culture Elective - Choose 1 class (3 credits) from options listed

Why pursue an AAT at LSC-University Park?

Save Money
Community colleges offer lower tuition rates than universities. Metro also serves the LSC-University Park area.

Smooth Transfer
Complete your AAT at LSC-University Park and increase the odds that your entire course work (60 hours) will transfer to more universities in Texas. Contact Stephanie.L.Smith@LoneStar.edu in the Transfer Center for more information.

Classroom Observation
Some courses require 16 hours of service-learning/field experience. During their scheduled class time at the beginning of the semester, students attend service-learning orientations in which various local schools share helpful information about their programs. Next, students choose a grade level that they want to volunteer with during the semester and stay with that classroom and supervising teacher for approximately six to eight weeks, volunteering for approximately three to four hours each week. Students who complete a minimum of 16 service-learning hours get special recognition on their academic transcripts.

Field Trips and Hands-On Learning
Attend well-planned field trips and orientations with your classmates and professor to learn about award-winning public, private and charter schools. Explore unique science and special education sites to better prepare for certifications in these high-need areas. Class field trips are only offered at LSC-University Park.

Academic Enrichment Opportunities
We offer all students the opportunities to pursue specialized research projects to increase their learning and meet certain scheduling needs with an emphasis on international studies. EDUC-1301 incorporates projects so that students can share with a variety of individuals what they have learned about the Texas New Teacher Competencies. EDUC-2301 utilizes LSCS’s extensive library resources and gives students a chance to work on collaborative teams and produce a group presentation about a specific special needs topic. All education students on this campus participate in service learning which provides hands-on learning experiences with local PK-12 schools and students. Students are able to volunteer in the Teachers2B Club which is an academic organization. This registered student organization provides numerous enrichment opportunities such as: helping with HEB’s Literacy Program, visiting various Colleges of Education and hearing from current education leaders in the fields. The club is also a great way to make life-long friends and network with outstanding educators.

Increase Job Marketability
There are many high-in-demand teaching jobs in areas such as: secondary math/science, EC-12 special education and bilingual education. LSC-University Park instructors have high expectations and help you to exceed minimum state requirements. Upon completion of your AAT degree, you will have several hours of field experience and the leadership skills to work at local ISDs as a paraprofessional.

Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience

Learning Framework: 1st Year Experience (EDUC-1300) is required for many Lone Star College programs. This course introduces college-level student academic strategies, assists students in identifying their learning strengths and weaknesses, and has the ultimate goal of creating effective and efficient learners.

TECA Courses

LSC-University Park offers the following Texas Early Childhood Articulation (TECA) courses for transfer credit or professional development.


Participate in the academic and professional club, Teachers2B, which provides students an opportunity for enrichment activities and improving their leadership skills on the local and state levels.

Follow us on Instagram (teachers2blscup) or TikTok (@teachers2b).

Department Contacts

Students in the Teaching program will work with our award winning and highly trained professors who have over 30 years’ experience in Texas public and private schools. Our instructors are fully certified as Texas teachers and administrators. They have many years’ experience teaching teacher education courses for Lone Star College, too. These top professors are only guaranteed at LSC-University Park.

Michael Donnelly
Department Chair
Professor of Education
Office: NRB.209H

Barbara Seals, Ph.D.
Department Lead - Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Program
Associate Professor of Education
Advisor - Teachers2B Club
Office: B12.604

Sandra Van Alstine, Ed.D.
Department Lead – EDUC 1300
Professor of Education
Office: B12.728

Keita Ford
Professor of Education
Office: NRB.209A

Jessica Mercado
Assistant Professor of Education
Office: B12.633

Dave Gaer
Dean of Instruction 
Office: B12.603C

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