
ASME Student Section at LSC-CyFair

ASME conference promotional graphics

Exciting Event: ASME EFx

February 19th, 2025
1:00-7:00 PM
CENT 151-153
Lone Star College-CyFair

Thinking about an engineering career? LSC-CyFair hosts ASME EFx® - a dynamic conference featuring technical presentations, a professional development workshop and exciting competitions (Elevator Pitch, CAD, and Poster). Hear from ASME’s CEO, Thomas Costabile, along with senior professionals and industry leaders sharing insights on technology, careers and professional growth Register now by Feb. 11th for this FREE American Society of Mechanical Engineers event (dinner included) open to currently enrolled LSC students of any major. Contact Yiheng.Wang@lonestar.edu with questions..


12:30 - 1:00 PM Check In
1:00-1:30 PM Welcome from LSC-CyFair President and LSC-CyFair ASME Student Section President
1:30-2:30 PM Past, Present and Future Technologies and its Impact on You
  • Steve Roberts, Senior Engineer | Shell
2:30-3:30 PM Networking with a Purpose Workshop
  • Nicole Kaufman-Dyess, Independent Consultant
  • Jared Oehring, Director of Engineering | FET
3:00-4:00 PM ASME Elevator Pitch Competition
3:30-4:30 PM Engineering Panel Session
  • Bobby Chandler Jr., CoGen/Utilities Engineer | LyondellBasell
  • Dr. Rey Guerra, Chief Infrastructure Officer | Harris County Precinct 4
  • Jennifer Jewers Bowlin, Distribution & Cold Storage Practice Director | Henderson Engineers, Inc.
  • Matt Sanders, Principal | Stress Engineering Services
  • Carlos Zaleta, Machinery Engineer | Chevron
4:15-5:15 PM CAD Competition
4:30-5:30 PM Poster Competition Presentations
5:30-6:15 PM Keynote: The Future of Engineering
  • Thomas Costabile, Executive Director/CEO | ASME
Followed by dinner and networking activities!

A decorative image with stock image of several young people, and an announcement that says "ASME Student Section is Recruiting!"

American Society of Mechanical Engineers student club is recruiting new members, as well as new officers for the 2024-25 academic year!

Click here to join the Discord server to learn more!

Officer Positions:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Outreach Representative
  • Event Manager

Club Activity: Offshore Technology Conference 2023

A group of club members, together with club advisor, attended the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in NRG Center on May 2nd, 2023. The Houston OTC event is the largest oil and gas sector trade show in the world. The students attended technical presentations, visited some of the one thousand vendors in the exhibit hall, and got a chance to meet with the President of ASME (the national organization), Karen Ohland, and members of the ASME Petroleum Division Executive Committee, chaired by Jim Kaculi.

ASME student club members met with ASME President at Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2023

Club members met with ASME (national organization) President at Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2023. Pictured from left: Jason Molina, Cesar Flores, Julian Noyola, Armando Avila, Marina Mekhaeil, Karen Ohland (ASME President), Yiheng Wang (club advisor), Dagoberto Rivera Grande, and Jadon Martinez.

Club Constitution


The mission of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Section is to promote interest, understanding, and knowledge of the engineering field in our community. This student section will provide members with opportunities for academic advancement, professional development, networking, engagement with professionals, community outreach, and participating in state and national competitions.

Purpose of the Organization

The purposes of ASME-LSCC include:

  1. The ASME-LSCC shall connect members to local ASME professional sections and the official ASME organization to access resources and activities offered by these organizations.
  2. The ASME-LSCC shall promote interest, understanding, and knowledge of the engineering field.
  3. The ASME-LSCC shall provide its members with opportunities for academic and professional advancements, such as peer tutoring activities, social and networking events, guest speaker events, training workshops, and university and company tours.
  4. The ASME-LSCC shall promote experiential learning by actively engaging members in local, state, and national competitions.

Lone Star College-CyFair American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section logo

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