- Organizational Development
- The Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning
- Faculty Qualities of Excellence
Faculty Qualities of Excellence
As faculty members of Lone Star College, we strive to create a nation of world citizenry in our students. Our culture, then, requires the possession of transcendent qualities that, while immeasurable, are evident in global citizens. We are self-accountable to being respectful of others through clear and professional communication. We are compassionate with our students, colleagues, and ourselves. We are innovative in the pursuit of learning. Ultimately, we create a culture where learning thrives, people are safe, and we mirror the qualities of world citizenry. These qualities include:
- Student Invested
- Content Expert
- Pedagogically Excellent
- Institutionally Dedicated

Student Invested
An excellent Lone Star College faculty member demonstrates commitment to student success by maintaining academic rigor, fostering student accountability, and embracing diversity in all its forms.

Content Expert
An excellent Lone Star College faculty member is dedicated and invested in one's discipline and exhibits a continual pursuit of knowledge.

Pedagogically Excellent
An excellent Lone Star College faculty member employs engaging instructional strategies to foster student learning.

Institutionally Dedicated
An excellent Lone Star College faculty member will collegially participate, communicate, and collaborate within the college and community.
View the complete Faculty Qualities of Excellence detailed flyer (PDF).
Visit our FQE Repository, for ideas and resources for your class, professional development, and continuous learning.