CARE Academy Verification Form
How to Verify Student Eligibility for CARE Academy
Attention Lone Star College Advisors: To verify the student’s eligibility for the Texas Success Initiative waiver in Reading, Writing, and/or Math through the CARE Academy program, download the editable PDF CARE Academy Verification Form, and fill it out. Email the completed forms to
Student Conditions
Advisors, please remind students of the following conditions:
- Students may be permitted to register for college level courses until their eligibility is verified by the CARE Academy Advisor.
- However, if it is determined that the student is ineligible, the CARE Academy Advisor will contact the student regarding their options to submit eligible test scores for TSI exemption or advise the student to complete the TSI Assessment.
- The student will be dropped from all registered course(s) requiring a test score in the TSI subject area until the TSI assessment requirements are satisfied.