
II.L. Marketing and Branding

II.L.1. Advertising Approval


II.L.1.01. Authorized Persons Advertising

Print, broadcast, Web, mail, and outdoor display advertising may be used as communication to promote the products or services or convey important messages of the College.

The Chancellor or designees must approve College advertising. Advertising to recruit faculty and staff will be conducted through Human Resources. Vendor-supplied advertising opportunities may be considered in purchasing practices.

The Vice Chancellor for Government and Public Relations or designees shall manage the College’s relationships with advertising agencies and other related providers.

II.L.1.02.College Use of Identity and Branding Elements

The names, logos, trademarks, and other identifying marks of the College are valuable College assets, as set forth in another policy.  As such, these marks may be used by its Foundation, Board of Trustees, colleges and centers only with the express approval of the Vice Chancellor for Government and Public Relations or designee.

The College’s logos may be used by any College office for authorized College publications and activities. The official College Branding Styleguide, Digital Styleguide, and Editorial Styleguide outline procedures governing use of identifying marks. The logotypes may not be altered or presented except as outlined in the College styleguides. 

II.L.1.03.Creation of Branding Elements

The creation of branding elements (e.g., slogans, taglines, and logotypes) is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor or designee. Entities within the College wishing to create branding elements for departments, programs, or events must adhere to the processes outlined in the College style guides.

II.L.1.04. Outside Advertising at the College

College departments and programs may accept advertising such as the display of commercial logos or slogans at sponsored events, or ads in publications in exchange for fees or services. The College reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that does not serve the College’s educational mission or does not meet the College’s standards.

Outside businesses and organizations must obtain written permission to distribute advertising constituting commercial speech16 on College premises. Proposals to post links on any College website that connect to businesses and organizations must be approved by the Vice Chancellor or designees.

II.L.2. Trademark Management

II.L.2.01. Policy

The names, logos, trademarks, and other identifying marks of the College and its colleges are protected. Individuals or entities unaffiliated with the College should not use the College’s marks without express approval from the College’s designated representative. The General Counsel – in consultation with the Chancellor – is delegated the authority to take any reasonable and necessary actions to protect the College’s intellectual property, including trademarks.

II.L.2.02. Procedure

The Chancellor or designee may adopt procedures to implement this policy.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on October 6, 2022
16 See Tex. Educ. Code §§ 51.9315(a)(2); (d)(4).

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