
LSC-Tomball Veterinary Technology Department

2025 Applications Are Now Open - Apply Here

Information Session and Building Tour Dates for 2025 Submissions:

Please be advised that these dates are subject to change and we will send out email notifications in the case of any unforeseen circumstances that may warrant rescheduling. Please pre-register for the date of your choice as we cap attendance.                                

  • April 11, 2025 9am
  • April 12, 2025 9am (Saturday)
  • May 2, 2025 10am                   

Please contact Sarah Ferguson at TC-VetTech@lonestar.edu or 281-357-3615 for more information and to register for the date of your choice. 

Below are documents related to your application that are required. All of the below documents except for the Applicant Checklist and the Professional Evaluation Rating form will need to be uploaded into the application portal, along with your essay and any other related documents. The application portal for 2025 submissions will open on January 7, 2025 and close on May 31, 2025 at 5pm. 

  • Applicant Checklist can be found here.
  • Documentation of Veterinary Experience form can be found here. 
  • Professional Evaluation Rating form can be found here. 
  • Technical Standards Signature form can be found here
  • Advising Form can be found here
  • Rabies Policy Signature form can be found here. 

Veterinary Technology Building

In Fall 2011, we moved into our 20,000 square foot new facility.  The building complements the existing Large Animal Facility in a rustic setting on the west side of the Tomball campus.  The two story, building is designed to integrate standard veterinary technologies and practices while exploring new possibilities in veterinary science.  It houses a 124 seat teaching lecture hall, twelve canine runs, reptile, avian and small mammal rooms, prep, surgery and teaching recovery rooms, administration rooms, a computer room and locker room facilities.  

Lone Star College Vet Tech Building Façade

Associate of Applied Science

The Veterinary Technology program at LSC-Tomball began in 1988 and has grown to become one of the finest veterinary technology programs in the United States. 

The program accepts 36 college entry-level students once a year, specifically each fall. Most courses are taught on campus with Clinical and Practicum course are spent off-campus completing the required clinical (internship) at a veterinary clinic or hospital, a research hospital (MD Anderson or University of Texas), a specialty hospital (orthopedics, oncology, radiology, dermatology), or other approved clinical site.

Because the Veterinary Technology program is fully accredited by the AVMA, students are allowed to work in all areas of animal health care. A student typically spends time in laboratories working with cows, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, exotic animals and traditional laboratory animals like mice and rats. As a result of the outstanding reputation of LSC-Tomball’s Veterinary Technology program graduates, our students typically have 8-10 jobs available in the immediate Harris County area.

Both the Veterinary Technology Certificate (C2_VET2) and the Associate of Applied Science degree, Tech Prep (AAS_VETT) are offered.

Students work cattle in our Large Animal classes

Programs of Study

Both the LVT and Veterinary Assistant Certificate routes can be found here. 

General Guidelines

Academically serious students anticipating entrance into the Veterinary Technology program must be at the college level in Math, English, and Reading [after admission examinations are completed and have been reviewed]. If admission examinations indicate the student is in need of remediation, the student must successfully complete those requirements before applying for entry into the program. 

Admission information

Applicants for the Certificate program must meet the same admission criteria as for the AAS degree and complete the same application process.

In addition to the admission requirements of Lone Star College, the following are requirements for admission into the Veterinary Technology program -

1. College-Level Readiness

  • All Applicants must be at college level in English, Reading, and Math.
  • Any student anticipating entrance into the veterinary technology program should ensure that remediation is not required after admission examinations are completed and have been reviewed. If admission examinations indicate the student is in need of remediation in math, writing or reading, the student must successfully complete those requirements before applying for entry into the veterinary technology program.

2. All courses must be passed with a grade of 'C' or better.

  • If completed prior to program admission your college level Math course must have been completed within the past 5 years and earned a grade of 'C' or better.
  • If completed prior to program admission, BIOL 1406 Biology I must have been completed within the past 5 years and earned a grade of 'C' or better.

Criminal background check

Will be required when applying for licensure by the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.


Rabies immunizations are required, and Tetanus is recommended. 

Physical requirements

Physical ability and stamina sufficient to restrain, lift, & assist in the care of a variety of species of animals. Ability to stand for extended periods of time. Ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. Immune system competence. Safely lift, position and restrain animals such as dogs, cats, cattle and horses, and supplies for treatment. Surgical assistance. Daily clinical routine, cleaning cages and feeding animals. Year-round treatment and care of outdoor animals. Exposure to a wide range of chemical and biological agents.

1. Some Examples of Skills and Aptitude Needed for Success in a Veterinary Technology Career:

  • Critical Thinking-Critical thinking sufficient for clinical judgment. Identify cause-effect relationships in clinical situations. Develop nursing care plans. Demonstrate problem solving skills. Adapt to stressful situations.
  • Interpersonal-Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with patients, clients, families & groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural & intellectual backgrounds. Establish rapport with patients/clients & colleagues. Recognize appropriate boundaries in relationships with patients/clients & colleagues.
  • Communication-Communication abilities for interaction with others orally & in writing. Explain treatment procedures, initiate health teaching, document & interpret nursing actions and patient/client responses.
  • Mobility-Physical abilities sufficient to move from room to room, maneuver in small spaces & provide assistance to patients. Safely move around in patient & treatment areas. Administer CPR. Provide physical assistance to clients & colleagues to ensure safety within the environment. Ability to prevent or escape injury caused by animals. (i.e., biting, kicking, stampede)
  • Motor Skills-Gross & fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe, effective nursing care in a timely manner. Use of instruments, supplies, safety devices and communication equipment in the care of patients. Performance of nursing care, surgical assistance, & laboratory techniques. Hearing-Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs. Hear auscultatory sounds, monitor alarms, emergency signals, and cries for help. Hear warning sounds from animals and humans of impending danger/injury.
  • Visual-Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in nursing care. Observe patients for expected and unexpected physical and emotional responses to nursing and medical treatment regimens. Use of diagnostic equipment such as a microscope, thermometer, refractometer, etc.
  • Tactile-Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment and to perform nursing duties in a timely manner. Perform palpation functions of physical exam. Administer oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, & intravenous medications. Insert and remove tubes and perform wound care management. Surgical assistance.
  • Physical Condition-Physical ability and stamina sufficient to restrain, lift, & assist in the care of a variety of species of animals. Ability to stand for extended periods of time. Ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. Immune system competence. Safely lift, position and restrain animals such as; dogs, cats, cattle and horses, and supplies for treatment. Surgical assistance. Daily clinical routine, cleaning cages and feeding animals. Year-round treatment and care of outdoor animals. Exposure to a wide range of chemical and biological agents.

Minimum age requirement

Per LSC board policy, students must be 18 years of age by the application deadline for consideration of acceptance to any LSC Health Occupation program, including Veterinary Technology. 
VI.A.2.1. Health Occupation Programs Admissions Policy Health Occupation programs do not consider applications from Prospective Students not at least 18 years old at the time of the program application’s deadline—except that LSC-Tomball may honor a current contractual obligation with Klein ISD requiring the admission of students below the age of 18 years old. Any applicant that willfully misrepresents Material Information on the application will not be accepted or conditionally remain in a Health Occupation Program.

Students prepare for surgery and gather information from our program veterinarian in their Surgery and Anesthesia class.

Application process

After visiting with an advisor, the student should submit a separate application to the veterinary technology program. Our applications are submitted online using our department's application portal. Applications are accepted starting in January of each academic year. A link to our portal will be posted on our department's homepage.  

Program applications are reviewed and evaluated for fall admission based on the following criteria: degree holder, GPA (minimum of 2.50 needed to apply), completed Gen Ed courses, essay, observation hours, CVA certification. 

All applicants will be notified of their status. Students will be notified by e-mail to their Lone Star student account. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all personal information on the application is current.

The veterinary technology program will have an orientation session prior to student's first semester with our program. Students that have received admission notifications are required to attend this orientation. Important information on rules and program requirements will be covered in detail by the program faculty and staff, and questions will be welcomed.

Admitted Student Requirements

When admitted to the veterinary technology program, the student should ensure that non-veterinary technology courses (Math, English, etc.) are never scheduled between 7:30 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. This time is reserved for all animal clinical laboratories at LSC-Tomball.

Students receiving admission to the program should be aware that books and other supplies are required for every class along with special clothing for all clinical laboratories. Externships and field trips while enrolled in the program will incur additional costs due to travel. Students should expect to purchase all clothing supplies at the beginning of their first fall semester and all classroom supplies should be purchased during the first week of each VTHT class.

Progression requirements

To remain in good standing and progress within the veterinary technology curriculum, students must:

  1. maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0,
  2. earn a grade of 'C' or better in each veterinary technology and general education course designated in the VTHT certificate or VTHT degree plan, and
  3. successfully complete all concurrent veterinary technology courses to advance to the next level.

Equipment/uniform requirements

Costs incurred while in the veterinary technology program include tuition and fees for the veterinary technology courses as well as additional expenses for textbooks, uniforms, testing fees, clinical/lab equipment, and licensure fees. Veterinary technology students are also responsible for the costs of their background checks, and transportation to and from clinical agencies for day and evening learning experiences. Students enrolled in the veterinary technology program are required to take nationally normed tests throughout the curriculum and to make satisfactory scores on each test. All costs for the exams and remediation are the student's responsibility. Review the veterinary technology website at https://www.lonestar.edu/tomball-vettech.htm for further details.

Clinical requirements

Students are responsible for attending orientations and following all policies and procedures at any facility to which they are assigned. The annual medical requirements must be current. Professional behavior is expected at all times.

Readmission/Reapplication Requirements

The VTHT programs will only allow a student to be admitted into the Lone Star College VTHT program up to 2 (two) times. Students who have failed or withdrawn from the VTHT program will be considered on an individual basis. Readmission is not automatic and is based on remediation of an individual problem area and space availability. Students who request readmission to the program might be invited to interview with the program's Readmission Committee. At this interview the student will be asked to describe what steps have been taken in the intervening months to improve the chance of success and an action plan for improvement of academic and/or clinical performance. Readmission into the associate degree program must occur within two years of non-completion. Upon readmission, students who previously failed or withdrew from a veterinary technology course must repeat all concurrent/co-requisite courses. A student may be readmitted one time only.

Reapplication Guidelines

The readmission rule does not apply to first semester veterinary technology students. Students who fail or withdraw in the first semester of the program may reapply for a potential second admission but will only be accepted one additional time. Students who have reapplied and been accepted into the veterinary technology program are required to repeat all veterinary technology courses. The student must also meet all current veterinary technology program requirements.

Transfer Guidelines

Transfer requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Statement of licensure eligibility

Students in veterinary technology at LSC are considered eligible to sit for the State (LVTE) and National (VTNE) Veterinary Technology Board Examinations when they have completed all required coursework and have received their AAS degree in veterinary technology from LSC-Tomball.

State of Texas Licensing Examination

Because the program is fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association, graduating students are eligible to sit for the State and National Veterinary Technology Board Examinations when they have completed all required coursework.  Out-of-state students may take both examinations in Texas, or they are eligible to return to their home state for examination and registration/Licensing or certification.

Please Note:

We do not provide applicants with a list of clinics where their observation hours may be obtained.  We have applicants from all over the state and even out of state, so we allow students to make contact with a clinic of their choice to complete their observation hours. We require observation hours be supervised by a DVM and an LVT.  The hours required may be paid so if you are employed at a vet clinic or find employment before the application period ends, hours worked may count toward your application. 

For program information please contact Sarah Ferguson aTC-VetTech@lonestar.edu 
Please contact LSC-Tomball Advising to ensure all your documents are correct at 281-351-3310. 

Make LSC part of your story.