Linking Policy

Revised: July 29, 2020

Lone Star College complies with the State Website Linking and Privacy Policy.

Lone Star College is committed to ensuring the privacy and accuracy of confidential information. We do not actively share personal information gathered from our Web servers. Please refer to the Lone Star College privacy policy for more information.

Linking to college websites

Advance permission is not necessary to link to or any Lone Star College website that links to this policy. Be aware that college webpages may change or be deleted at any time without notice. Entities and individuals linking to college websites are encouraged to verify link accuracy periodically.

Entities and individuals linking to college webpages shall not capture college pages within frames, present college content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent college content. They shall not misinform users about the origin or ownership of college content, or in any way attempt to modify the content and then present it as the content of Lone Star College.

Some information on college websites may be protected by trademark and copyright laws and otherwise protected as intellectual property. Protected intellectual property must be used in accordance with state and federal laws and must reflect the proper ownership of the intellectual property.

Linking to individual graphics or tables within our pages, which places the downloading burden on our servers, may be considered an inappropriate use of state resources. Any link to Lone Star College websites should be a full forward link that passes the client browser to the appropriate page on the college website without barriers. The "back" button should return the visitor to the original site if the visitor wishes to back out.

Links from college websites

College web authors may choose to link to external websites that would provide a service to our visitors. The external website's content must be appropriate to the purposes of Lone Star College. Links will not be approved to commercial sites which charge a fee for products or services online (notices of the availability of publications or notices of conferences that charge a registration fee are not commercial sites and may be considered for linking.)

Linking to an external website does not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of the site. Any mention of vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only. Lone Star College Web Services reserves the right to remove links to external sites if they are inaccurate, inactive, or inappropriate.

Lone Star College does not enter into reciprocal link agreements although we provide links to sites that are appropriate to our mission and goals. Our creation of a link to a site does not obligate that site’s owner to provide a link back to Lone Star College.

External websites

Upon leaving a college website and linking to an external site, the policies governing the college website no longer apply and users are subject to the external site's policies. Questions and concerns regarding the information or services provided by a linked site must be directed to the entity or individual responsible for that site, rather than to Lone Star College Web Services.

Linking policy contact information

For questions and concerns regarding this linking policy, email the Web Services Office at

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