Tips for Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS)
Lone Star College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn, study, and work. As a member of the LSC community, each of us has a personal responsibility to be prepared, to be informed, and to have a plan in the event of an emergency. Preparation, which includes practice, is the key to success in dealing with an emergency situation. Preparation is an ongoing process. It is important to remember that the usual means of support and assistance available during normal business operations may not be available during or after an emergency.
Individuals who may need assistance during an evacuation or lockdown should contact appropriate campus/location personnel to determine appropriate accommodations to maintain safety. If you need assistance to evacuate during an emergency, please call X5911 or 281.290.5911. These services are available 24 hours a day to assist you. Also, please visit LSC Accessibility Services and Resources for additional supports and services.
General Tips
- Discuss your emergency plans with campus Student Disablity Services personnel.
- Discuss your emergency plans with your supervisor.
- Maintain a list of people who can assist and their telephone numbers.
- Service animals may become confused, panicked, frightened, or disoriented during and after an emergency, so be prepared with an alternate way to manage the task that they typically perform.
- Identify at least two evacution routes for each building.
- Determine how to best communicate with others during an emergency and consider alternative communication methods.
- Do not use elevators in an evacuation.
- Active participation in drills aids preparation and increases safety.
- If you use a cane, have it with you to help you maneuver around obstacles and hazards.
- If you use glasses or contacts, have a back up pair and any necessary cleaning supplies.
- Ask those around you if there are visual displays of information or news (televisions or message boards) that you need access to and request information in alternate format.
- Carry back up batteries or charging devices for assistive technology (i.e. magnifiers, phones, etc.).
- If possible, have extra batteries or external charging devices for hearing aids, implants, and any technology that you need to communicate (i.e. phone, etc.).
- Determine how you will communicate with emergency personnel if there is no interpreter, you do not have your hearing aids, and/or you cannot speak for yourself. Many people rely on technology that might not be available in emergency situations, so be sure to have a back up plan.
- Consider carrying a pre-printed copy of important messages with you or tools such as the options below:
- If there are televisions, request the captioning to be turned on for access to important news updates.
- Store needed mobility aids (canes, crutches, walkers, wheel chairs) close to you.
- Keep a pair of heavy gloves with you to use while wheeling or making your way over glass or debris.
- If you use a motorized wheelchair or scooter, consider having an extra battery available or an alternate device in case your battery dies.
- If your device does not have puncture proof tires, keep a patch kit or can of “seal-in-air product” for repairs.
- If you spend time above the first floor of a building, plan and practice using alternative methods of evacuation.
- If you cannot use stairs, consider lifting and carrying techniques that work for you. It is important to consider the safest way to transport you if you need to be carried. Alert those assisting you of any areas of vulnerability.
- In the event of an emergency, you may have to wait for emergency personnel to respond to receive assistance with evacuation. Call emergency services as quickly as possible and tell them your exact location.
- Maintain a list of all of your medications including the name of medication, the dose, the frequency, and the name of the prescribing doctor.
- Keep an extra day’s supply of any medical supplies you need (i.e. oxygen, medications, syringes, etc.).
- Keep an emergency bag packed at all times that contains the above items.