Send Us Crime Tips
DO NOT use this form to report crimes in progress. There may be a delay of a few days before an investigator is able to follow up on information provided. For crimes in progress or an incident requiring immediate police response, dial 5911 from any on campus phone, or call LSC Police Dispatch at 281-290-5911.
The purpose of this form is to provide the public a means to alert the LSC Police Department to ongoing suspicious activity or crimes. This form does not replace a formal police report. While we will follow up on all tips provided through this forum, we may be limited on our ability to pursue leads without being able to contact the reporting person. We urge you to share you contact information with us in this form.
We need the Lone Star College community to serve as our eyes and ears and recognize strange or unusual behavior and activities on or near our campuses. Crime prevention includes contacting the Lone Star College Police Department when an individual notices suspicious activity, when you, or the victim becomes aware of a criminal incident or observes a potential public safety issue. If the Lone Star College Police Department is not made aware of an incident, we cannot provide assistance to those in need, or work to prevent a crime from occurring again.
We understand there are times when citizens may wish to provide information to the Police about criminal activity and remain anonymous. Providing for a safe community requires a partnership and a commitment from both Law Enforcement and the campus communities which they serve. We ask you to help us to serve and protect your campus by reporting criminal activity.
It is a violation of the law to make a false report to a law enforcement agency (Texas Penal Code 42.06), punishable by a fine of up to $4,000 and/or up to one year in jail.