
LSC-University Park Geology Student Resources


Geology Rock Star Award

Each year, the University Park Geology department hands out an award to the most promising geology student. Here is a list of current and previous recipients:

  • 2024: Grace Coleman
  • 2023: Abigail Unger
  • 2022: Andrew Bierbower
  • 2021: Daelynn Huber
  • 2020: Anjali Khisty and Daniel Minke
  • 2017: Devin Mcquaig


Transfer Institutions for Geology

Logos for Common Geology Transfer Universities - Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, Texas A&M, University of Houston, University of Houston Downtown, and University of Texas - Austin

Opportunities for Students

Research Projects

Below are research projects that were selected to present at the fall and spring Honors Day at Lone Star College. Projects with an * advanced to the Great Plains Honors Conference, projects with a 1 advanced to the Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Honors Council Conference, 2 denotes research selected to present at the National Council on Undergraduate Research, rand 3 is research presented at the national annual American Geophysical Union Conference.

Geology Jobs

Industry: oil, mining, environmental, geologic engineering
Non-profit: environmental, planning, education
Government: local and regional planning, Environmental Park Agency (EPA), United States Geological Survey (USGS), State Geological Survey (SGS), National Park Service (NPS), State Park Service (SPS)
Academia: Community College (teaching), University (teaching and/or research)
Financial Services

For a detailed information regarding Geology Career Information, go to: https://serc.carleton.edu/sage2yc/careers/index.html

The chart below shows some of the workforce possibilities for those with different degrees (sourced from https://serc.carleton.edu/sage2yc/careers/overview.html)

Hydrologic technician X X    
Geospatial technician X X    
Oil and gas technician X X    
Marine technician   X    
Mine geologist   X    
Earth science teacher   X    
Broadcast meteorologist   X    
Natural resource regulator   X X  
Environmental consultant   X X  
Petroleum geoscientist   X X X
Faculty member at a 2-year college     X X
Research scientist     X X
Faculty member at a 4-year college       X


Make LSC part of your story.