LSC-Tomball Kinesiology Department

Kinesiology degrees will prepare you for various careers in exercise science, physical education, personal training, physical therapy, sports administration/management, and sports medicine, among others.

Health and Wellness degrees will prepare you for careers in health promotion, patient advocacy, patient education, public health education, and workplace safety, to name a few.

Additionally, you can use both degrees as a springboard for professional post-graduate work in environmental health, physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports management, physical education, and public health.

Physical Education (PHED)  Courses Offered at LSC-Tomball:

Class # Name Course Description Modalities
PHED 1164 Fitness and Wellness (core) This course will provide an overview of the lifestyle necessary for fitness and health. Students will participate in physical activities and assess their fitness status. Students will be introduced to proper nutrition, weight management, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and strength training.  Face-to-Face, Hybrid, and Online
PHED 1304 Personal/Community Health This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals, concepts, strategies, applications, and contemporary trends related to understanding personal and/or community health issues. This course also focuses on empowering various populations with the ability to practice healthy living, promote healthy lifestyles, and enhance individual well-being. Online
PHED 1346 Drug Use and Abuse

Study of the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs and other harmful substances in today's society. Physiological, sociological, pharmacological, and psychological factors will be emphasized.


Physical Education  (PHED) Service-Learning Courses Offered at LSC-Tomball:

Service learning is an educational approach combining learning objectives with community service to provide a practical, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs.

Class # Name Course Description Modalities
PHED 1164- 3T09 Fitness and Wellness (core)

PHED 1164 – 3T09 will require students to produce an awareness play interconnecting the dimensions of wellness and performing it for others.

Learn more about the service-learning project here. 

PHED 1164-3T03 

Fitness and Wellness (core)

PHED 1164 – 3T08 will require students to participate in garden-based service-learning emphasizing a social justice approach to learning while working toward food justice for local communities. Face-to-Face

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