Faculty Professional Development
LSC-Online Instructional Resources
Student Resources
FSC: Transition to Online Resources
Access FSC: Transition to Online Resources
The FSC: Transition to Online Resources? is a website created by the Faculty and Staff Center to facilitate the transition from teaching face-to-face to online teaching. The purpose of this newly created website is to house in one centralized area the tools and resources needed for faculty to transition to classes online.
We are launching the FSC: Transition to Online website with the following:
- a video collection courtesy of LSC-Online on using D2L,
- alternatives to face-to-face activities to online teaching,
- and other professional development opportunities available to faculty.
The FSC: Transition to Online website will continue to evolve as additional resources that are deemed essential to facilitating the transition to online teaching are collected. Our goal is to provide a centralized location where faculty can go to find step-by-step user guides, training videos, or solutions for online engagement.
Visit FSC: Transition to Online Resouces website.
LSC-Online Support: VTAC Support
- We house the “D2L manual” here.
- The most up-to-date “living” document for LSC faculty support that is easily accessible online and has “print” options.
- We have a new page for Move Your Face-to-Face or Hybrid Course Online and section on Campus Closure Preparedness.
- We also have an updated page for How to Share Course Materials with Others.
- It also has the most current list of D2L Open Lab Q&As and system-wide training sessions listed on the Event Calendar.
D2L Semester Start Videos
D2L video library to help you prepare for the start of the semester. Access D2L semester start videos.
Additional D2L Video Resources
D2L video demonstrations on the most frequently asked questions, courtesy of LSC-Kingwood.
24/7 D2L Support
To better support faculty, LSC-Online is excited to announce 24/7 D2L support. Lone Star College faculty can now get D2L-specific help 24/7 using the existing VTAC Chat link on the VTAC Support page.
Please note that the D2L helpdesk will only be able to provide support for questions directly related to D2L. For any questions outside regular VTAC hours regarding third-party integrations such as Turnitin, Relay, or textbook publishers, please continue to consult our VTAC knowledgebase or contact the OTS Service Desk.
During regular VTAC hours, faculty will continue to have direct access to LSC-Online’s instructional technologists.
For more information and a video demonstrating the new services, please visit Using the Virtual Teaching Assistance Center.
LSC-NH Library Resources
Library Reserves - let the library staff know what materials you need to share with your students via email at NH-AskALibrarian@LoneStar.edu. In many cases, the publishers have made the electronic version available for free for the continuation of the Spring semester. Where this is not the case, librarians are here to support you in searching for alternative electronic resources, besides the library eBook collection, you are encouraged to explore our Open Educational Resources as well at, NHResearch.LoneStar.edu/OER.
If you have questions about a specific book or resource or need assistance, please contact the library staff via email at NH-AskALibrarian@LoneStar.edu.
Faculty Professional Development Online Resources
Faculty Focus Newsletter
Features articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom, both face-to-face and online. Access Faculty Focus Newsletter.
LSC-Online provides Online Teaching Certification Courses as a resource for faculty covering best practices of online teaching. The topics covered in the courses include student engagement, student interaction, student contact, faculty contact, community building, common social media tools, Learning Management System (LMS) tools, online tutoring, online proctoring, design for accessibility, copyright, online resources, SoftChalk, Civitas Learning Illume and Inspire, Cisco WebEx, and open educational resources. Completion of the certification courses is supported system-wide and required before a faculty member teaches an online or hybrid class for the LSCS. Access and learn about Faculty Online Teaching Certification.
The Virtual Teaching Assistance Center (VTAC) is an instructional resource created for Lone Star College faculty. The VTAC site provides instructional guides and training to assist with the development and implementation of successful online courses. Access VTAC.
STARLINK was established in 1989 with a Perkins State Leadership grant. Since its founding, STARLINK has been committed to empowering student success and providing exceptional professional development to higher education communities. Our online courses allow staff, faculty, adjuncts, and CEOs to take responsibility for their growth and development, giving them the ability to personalize their learning with on-demand courses. STARLINK provides courses that maintain academic rigor, technical knowledge and skill sets which drive positive growth. STARLINK offers members a personalized dashboard to track training and 24/7 access to over 200 hours of professional development training through its eLibrary. New courses, features, and webinars are released monthly.
STARLINK currently provides professional development programming annually to member colleges and universities across the United States, Canada, and throughout the world through U.S. Military and embassies. STARLINK, empowering student success! Registration to STARLINK