
FAQ - The Empowerment Center

Client Questions

What is The Empowerment Center (TEC)?

The Empowerment Center is housed under the Student Services department.

TEC has many different items for your needs such as shelf-stable food, toiletries, school supplies, cleaning supplies, diapers, winter coats, and career clothing.

What is a food pantry?

A food pantry is for those people who are finding it challenging to purchase food.

Who can use The Empowerment Center?

The Empowerment Center is open to all Lone Star College-CyFair students. The Food for Thought Food Pantry is open to students and employees of LSC-CyFair (including centers). The Career Closet is open for students of LSC-CyFair (including centers).

What are the hours?

Monday-Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-4:00pm.

What do I do if TEC is not open?

If TEC is not open during the time of evening or weekend classes, you may contact the evening/weekend coordinator at 281-290-3233.

How do I use TEC?

You may come in during the open hours and a volunteer will help you with your needs – food, toiletries, school supplies, etc. If you need additional help outside of food and career clothing, please let the volunteer know.

Do I have to pay for anything in TEC?

All items in TEC are at no cost to those who need them.

How many times can I use TEC resources?

The TEC works on the honor system. You may take what you feel you need at this time, and one day, when you are able, you are free to donate back to TEC. There is currently a limit of one visit per month for school supplies (other than pens, pencils, and basic folders), hygiene items, and household goods. 

Who is going to know if I use TEC?

When you enter TEC to shop for food or other supplies, you will enter your college ID number (or employee ID number if not a student) into the Accutrack database like you do in the Academic Success Center (tutoring) and assessment areas. We are collecting data in general, such as how many visitors there are to TEC.

What type of food is in the pantry, and can you accommodate special diets?

The pantry runs on the generous donations of our students and employees. Although we do have a list of suggested donations, we get what is donated. We do usually have canned vegetables, canned meat, canned fruit, beans, rice, pasta, sauces, cereal, and other shelf-stable staples.

Why does one of the food items I got have an expired date?

Food can actually be eaten well after the expiration dates in most cases. TEC follows the Houston Food Bank (HFB) expiration guidelines and adds a specific amount of time (as indicated by HFB) to expired items to show the “new” expiration date. 

How does the Career Closet work?

The Career Closet is for students who have an upcoming interview or class presentation and find it challenging to purchase professional clothing. You (students) may come by and check out our clothing selections and even try on items. Once you have selected an outfit, you may keep it for future use. Please contact TEC with further questions Empowerment.Center@lonestar.edu

What if I am homeless?

The TEC tries to keep items on hand such as toothbrush/toothpaste kits, can openers, etc. to help you if you are homeless. Of course, we always refer to the counseling department to try to help you find a safe place to live.

Where can I find other campus resources?

Please visit the counseling department in CASA 109. You may also view the following links for general campus resources:

What is the purpose of the counselors on campus?

Counseling professionals are trained to assist you in meeting your academic, career and personal goals. Change, stress and personal growth are all elements of the college experience. Lone Star College CyFair counselors are dedicated to helping you succeed through a variety of services. Counselors are available in Counseling Services CASA 109 and can be reached at 281-290-3260.

Donation Questions

How can I donate to TEC?

Please bring your donations to CASA 121 Monday-Friday from 9-4pm (Summer hours Monday-Thursday 9-4pm) or you may order items from our Amazon Wish List and have them sent to:

Lone Star College-CyFair
The Empowerment Center – CASA 121
9191 Barker Cypress Road
Cypress, TX 77433-1381

For a list of current items we need, please check out our suggested donations

Do you accept money as a donation?

Although it may be easier to donate money, it is preferred that you donate items in kind, meaning the actual food, toiletries, and clothing. Any money that is donated is sent to the LSC-Foundation and reserved in the Food For Thought Food Pantry account for emergencies.

What should I NOT donate?

TEC cannot accept the following items: refrigerated or frozen items, fresh food, baby food or formula, dog food in dry packages (canned dog food is okay), medication, baked goods, dented cans, expired food, glass containers, food items without expiration dates, large commercial bags of items (grains, rice) that have to be repackaged.

Are my donations tax deductible?

If you ask we will provide a slip of paper that the volunteer can sign indicating what you have donated. You and your tax expert will have to determine for yourself if the items are tax deductible.

Do I need to let TEC know if my club or class is collecting items?

Yes, we work closely with the clubs, classes, service learning projects, and other groups on campus to help them choose what to collect and donate so that we have a consistent supply of a variety of items. We appreciate donations. If you are a club or a class working on a service learning project, please contact Hayley Green at hayley.green@lonestar.edu.

Organizational Questions

Where does the food (and other items) in TEC come from?

All items in TEC are generously donated by students, employees and friends of Lone Star College-CyFair.  Student fees and college funds are not used to purchase the items that are given out in TEC.

Is TEC associated with any other agency?

Many times people assume we are affiliated with other agencies such as the Houston Food Bank or Dress for Success. Although wonderful agencies, we are not affiliated with any other entity, and so far we have been able to meet our demand by the generosity of our college family (students and employees). Many agencies require the collection of personal information such as financial information, and we are trying to prevent any barriers that would inhibit you from using the TEC resources.

Volunteer Questions

Who works in TEC?         

Employees (professors, instructors, librarians, staff, deans, etc.) volunteer their time to work in TEC helping students with the Food for Thought Food Pantry, Career Closet and other resources.

If I am a student can I volunteer in TEC?

Due to the confidential nature of a food pantry and the counseling area within TEC, only employees can volunteer in TEC. If you are a student you may get involved by donating or through service learning in a class or through a club. We appreciate student clubs and classes helping up with collecting items, organizing and marketing.  For more information, please contact Empowerment.Center@lonestar.edu

Other Questions?

If you have any other questions, please feel free to drop by CASA 121 or email CF-Food@lonestar.edu.

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