1. What is difference between Dual Credit and the College Credit Only option?
Dual Credit courses must apply toward the mandatory high school graduation requirements. Courses taken that are not required for high school graduation will receive college credit only. When taking college credit only courses, you are enrolled as an “Exceptional Admit” student as you have not completed high school and are taking college credit only courses. For college credit only classes you are responsible for all tuition and fees and do not receive the dual credit waiver.
2. May I take summer courses?
Yes, you will be able to take summer classes as college credit only, which means you will be responsible for paying full tuition and fees. You may take two courses each summer term (Summer I & Summer II). Summer courses are an accelerated and only six weeks long. (Please see your high school counselor for more information.)
3. May I take mini-term courses in May or December?
Yes, you will be able to take mini-terms as college credit only, which means you will be responsible for paying full tuition and fees. You may take one course each mini-term (December/May). Mini-term courses are in an accelerated format and only 3-4 weeks long. (Please see your high school counselor for more information.)
4. May I take online courses?
Yes, you will be able to take online courses as college credit only, which means you will be responsible for paying full tuition and fees. (Please see your high school counselor for more information.)
5. What happens if I fail a Dual Credit course?
You must maintain a C or better to remain eligible for the Dual Credit program. If you earn a Below C you will need have the opportunity to appeal the Below C to continue in the program.
6. I want to take a higher level math (Trig, Pre-Cal, Cal) instead of College Algebra. How do I qualify?
You must submit qualifying test scores and place in at least college level Algebra or higher. For upper level courses such as Pre-Calculus or Calculus, you must submit qualifying test scores such as SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer AND have successful completion of high school Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus with a B or better; in addition to college readiness in reading and writing.
7. Does the cost include books?
No, the fees that you pay as a Dual Credit student do not cover the cost of books.
8. How do I drop/withdraw from my course(s)?
You must obtain an official Lone Star College Dual Credit Drop Form from your high school counselor. In addition, you must return the completed form to your high school counselor or the Department of Academic Affairs at LSC-Tomball to completely drop/withdraw from the requested course(s). If you wish to withdraw after the official day of record according to the LSC calendar, your college transcript will indicate a “W” for withdraw from the course(s). Standard LSC refund policies will apply.
9. Can I self-enroll as a high school student?
No, you will not be able to self-enroll. If you attend a high school you will work with your counselor to get enrolled for your classes.
Homeschool students will need to meet with an advisor in W131 to register or visit the Tomball Homeschool Dual Credit Central webpage: https://www.lonestar.edu/TomballHomeSchool.htm
10. How do I find out more about Dual Credit at Lone Star College-Tomball?
Please visit www.lonestar.edu/tomballdualcredit for more information or email us at TC-DualCredit@lonestar.edu