Repetition, awkward posture, high force levels and eye strain should be considered when using a computer. Here are a few tips to use when using a computer:
Alternate tasks
Share tasks with coworkers
Take frequent breaks from keying or using the mouse
Reduce or eliminate unnecessary work
Awkward Posture
Sit supported against the back of your chair
Avoid bending or twisting your neck or trunk
Keep shoulders relaxed and arms close by sides when working
Keep elbows at a 100 to 110 degree angle when using the keyboard and mouse
Keep wrists in a straight or neutral position when keying or using a mouse
Keep fingers in a relaxed position when keying or using the mouse
Keep work materials within close reach
Use a telephone headset for frequent/prolonged phone use
Change positions/tasks frequently
Key with a light touch
Avoid prolonged or excessive grasping of the mouse
Use larger diameter pens to reduce grip when writing
Use electric stapler for large stapling jobs
Select a chair with adequate padding
Avoid resting elbows and wrists on sharp or hard edges and surfaces
Eye Strain
Reduce glare on your computer screen by adjusting it's placement and tilt, using a glare guard or using window blinds and light filters
Rest eyes intermittently by focusing on distant objects
Take visual breaks
Blink often when viewing the monitor
Wear appropriate corrective lens for computer work
Adjust the font, flicker and contrast of your monitor screen