The President shall be the chief administrative officer of the Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA) and shall preside at all regular and special meetings, coordinate and preside over all activities, approve the appointment of any necessary committees, serve as an ex officio member of all committees, present business to the organization, develop goals for the SOTA with the aid of the sponsor, develop and distribute agenda for meetings, install new officers, order and present any special awards, approve all public notices for SOTA, mentor new OTA students, recruit new OTA students in area high schools, and shall perform all duties normally associated with the office of President.
The Vice President shall perform all duties of the president in the event of the President’s absence, appoint and coordinate all committees relating to fund raising, assist the President in performing and implementing all SOTA goals, mentor new OTA students, recruit new OTA students in area high schools, take charge of special fund raising projects as assigned by the President or executive council.
The Secretary shall be in charge of taking minutes for all meetings, receive and care for all the money and property of SOTA, pay all bills on order of the executive council, responsible for petty cash fund and keeping books current and presentable on demand, calculating votes in any election, maintaining a file of all SOTA correspondence, maintaining a record of all current OTA students and alumni, assist the President in implementing all SOTA goals, take roll at all meetings, maintain and provide records of meetings at the request of the executive council or sponsor, mentor new OTA students, recruit new OTA students in area high schools, take charge of special projects as assigned by the President or executive council, and perform other duties normally associated with the office of Secretary-Treasurer.
The Activity Director shall be in charge of planning, publicizing, and implementing social events, activities and projects, maintaining a yearbook with photographic records of events, assist the President in implementing all SOTA goals, mentor new OTA students, recruit new OTA students in area high schools, take charge of special projects as assigned by the President or executive council, and perform other duties normally associated with the office of Activity Director.
Marketing Promoter
The Marketing Promoter shall be in charge of all of the marketing aspects of SOTA to include, but not limited to, updating the LSC-Tomball SOTA web site with pictures, events, meeting dates/times as well as creating a social network on Facebook. Teaching/Educating SOTA members and officers on how to access such networks. Marketing and promoting SOTA both on campus as well as in the classroom to the first year SOTA members. Assist the President in implementing all SOTA goals, mentor new OTA students, recruit new OTA students in area high schools, take charge of special projects as assigned by the President or executive council, and perform other duties normally associated with the office of Marketing Promoter.
The SGA representative represents SOTA at all SGA meetings. This individual shares what we are doing in SOTA with SGA as well as brings SOTA back information about what is happening with SGA, on campus activities, etc. This person serves as the liason for our organization. It is critical that SOTA is represented at each SGA meeting held as this directly links us to the campus. Very important role!
**Officers are expected to conduct themselves so that their actions do not reflect negatively on the Student Occupational Therapy Association, the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at Lone Star College-Tomball, Lone Star College-Tomball, or Occupational Therapy. Officers are expected to maintain a high standard of integrity, which includes the qualities of honesty, good character, and confidentiality. Officers will perform all of their duties as defined for their respective offices by the SOTA Constitution. Failure to meet these expectations can result in immediate removal of an officer by the executive council or sponsor.AOTA Code of Ethics
*SGA Meetings
LSC-Tomball Student Government Association
Meeting Dates for 2009/2010
September 28, 2009
October 19, 2009
November 30, 2009
January 25, 2010
February 22, 2010
March 29, 2010
April 19, 2010
All meetings will be held in C210. Meetings begin at 3:15 p.m.