

 February  Holiday or Celebration  Country/Religion
   Black History Month  USA
   American History Month  USA
 01  Robinson Crusoe Day  USA
 01  Freedom Day  Christian
 02  Candlemas  USA
 02  Groundhog Day  Brazil
 02  Iemanja Day  Mozambique
 03  Hero's Day  Honduras
 03  OL of Suyapa  United Nations
 04  Torture Abolition Day  Sri Lanka
 04  National Day  Burundu
 05  Unity Day  USA
 05  Weatherman's Day  Mexico
 05  Constitution Day  New Zealand
 06  Waitangi Day  Jamaica
 06  Bob Marley Day  Greneda
 07  Independence Day  Old Latvian New Year
 07  Pelnu Diena  Slovania
 08  Preseren Day  USA
 08  Boy Scouts' Birthday  Christian
 09  Ash Wednesday  Tibet, China, South Korea, Vietnam
 09  New Year's Day  Arabic Countries (Egypt, Iraq, etc.)
 10  Arabic New Year  Cameroon
 11  Youth Day  China
 11  OL of Lourdes  Philippines
 11  Revolution Day  Iran
 12  Lincoln's Birthday  USA
 12  Union Day  Burma
 12  NAACP Founded  USA
 13  Shri Panchami  Nepal
 14  Valentine's Day  Many countries including the US
 14  Trifon Zarezan  Bulgaria
 15  Fiesta de Menendez  USA
 16  Independence Day  Lithuania
 17  PTA Founders' Day  USA
 18  Independence Day  Gambia
 18  Mt. Agung Eruption  Bali
 19  Flag Day  Turkmenistan
 19  Ashura  Shia Islam
 20  Brotherhood Sunday  USA
 21  Presidents' Day  USA
 21  Martyrs' Day  Bangladesh
 22  Independence Day  St. Lucia
 22  Washington's Birthday  USA
 23  Republic Day  Guyana
 23  National Day  Brunei
 23  Milarepa Day  Tibet
 24  National Day  Estonia
 24  Flag Day  Mexico
 24  Adam Peak Pilg.  Sri Lanka
 25  National Day  Kuwait
 26  Peoples Power Day  Philippines
 27  Independence Day  West Sahara; Dominican Republic
 27  Patriotism Day  Ecuador
 28  2-28 Day  Taiwan
 28  Andalusia Da  Spain

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