Finding Literary Criticism of Short Stories in the Library Catalog
To find lierary criticism of a particular story in the library catalog, go to http://www.lonestar.edu/library/ and click on Library Catalog. Then, in the Keyword Anywhere search box, type the name of the author and title of the story and add the word criticism.
If you don't get many results with a search of the author and the name of the story, try a keyword search with just the author's name and the word criticism. The records of some books will list the Table of Contents of th book, and you may be able to ascertain from the chapter titles whether or not the book refers to the particular story you are researching. If it is not clear from the catalog record, you will need to find the book and look at the Table of Contents and the Index for references to the story.
Reference Book Resources
Short Story Criticism REF PN 3335 .S5 Short Stories for Students REF809.31 Sho Recommended Datbases for Literary Criticism of Short Stories
Bloom's Literature
EBSCO eBook Collection
Literary Reference Center
Literature Resource Center
Project MuseSelection of Short Story Criticism Books in the LSC-Tomball Library
Books which discuss criticism of the works of many authors may not come up when you search for a particular author's name. That does not mean, however, that the book does not have literary criticism on the author/story you are researching. Look through the Table of Contents and the Index of the books listed below for author/title you are researching.
The Short Story
PN3373 .M36 1995The Story and its Writer
PN6120.2 .S85 2007Cambridge Introduction to the Short Story in English
PR829 .H86 2007Naturalism in American Fiction
PS374 .S45 D87 1991Dwelling in the Text: Houses in American Fiction
PS374 .S45 D87 1991Sex, Race, and Family in Contemporary American Short Stories
PS374 .S5 N34 2001The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story
PS374 . S5 C57 2000The Contemporary American Short-Story Cycle
PS374 .S5 N34 2001The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story
PS374 .S5 N34 2001Scribbling Women and the Short Story Form
PS374 .S5 S37 2008Women on the Edge: ethnicity and gender in short stories by American Women
PS374 .S5 W58 1999Conflicting Stories: American Women Writers at the turn into the Twentieth Century
PS374 .W6 A48 1992