
LSC Update

LSC will re-open access to buildings Monday, Aug. 31. Student Services are currently available online. Visit LoneStar.edu/Fall2020 for more information about fall classes.


Books & audio/visuals:

The online catalog is a good place to start your research. Note: reference books and instructional A/V materials can be used only in the library.
These are some areas in which materials in accounting can be found:

LCCS* Call Numbers

DDS** Call Numbers

HB - HB130 Economic Theory 310  Statistics 
HD31 - HD47  Capital Investments   330 Economics
HF5601 - HF1708  Business Accounting & Bookkeeping  380 Commerce 
HG1706 - HG1708  Bank Accounting & Bookkeeping 650 Management 
KF6280 - KF6369, KFT1670 Tax Law    

LCCS* = Library of Congress Classification System
DDS** = Dewey Decimal System

Print Journals on the subject (available in the library):                

The library carries some magazines and journals in print that you can check out, but the vast majority is electronic. The electronic journals and magazines are indexed, which means you can find articles on your subjects by searching one of the databases. Business-related magazines & journals can be found on the first & second floors in the Magazine & Journal areas.

Research Databases                        

This section includes links to databases that contain magazine/journal articles and electronic books. You can also search for specific journals in EBSCO's A-Z

Academic Search Complete  A Lone Star College Database that provides full text for nearly 4,650 journals, magazines & newspapers. Includes articles back to 1975, and is updated daily. A current college ID is required for off-campus access.
Business Source Complete
A Lone Star College Database that provides full text for more than 8,800 business serials. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business from 1922 to today. This database also includes market research reports, industry reports, and SWOT analyses. BSP is updated daily.A current college ID is required for  off-campus access.
eBook Collection (formerly netLibrary)
A Lone Star College Database that provides access to over 35,000 electronic books.
Master FILE Premier
A Lone Star College Database that provides full text for nearly 1,950 general publications including Consumer Reports and Business Week. Nearly 500 full text reference books, 84,011 biographies, 83,472 primary source documents.  Dun & Bradstreet info.  Full text information dating back to 1975. A current college ID is required for off-campus access.

Reference USA
A Harris County Public Library Database that contains detailed information on more than 14 million business (in the US and Canada) and 120 million US households. (Note: This link will refer you to the HCPL page where you will see the Reference USA link and select it.)
Regional Business News
A Lone Star College Database that contains full-text of daily international newswires and regional business publications from 1990 to today. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. A current college ID is required for  off-campus access.

Value Line Investment Service
A Harris County Public Library Database with investment advice on stocks.

Wall Street Journal
A Lone Star College Database that accesses the l
eading business and financial newspaper in the U.S.  This database covers 1984 – present. A current college ID is required for off-campus access.  
Web Sites:                                                                                       
American Accounting Association
The American Accounting Association promotes worldwide excellence in accounting education, research and practice.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national, professional organization for all Certified Public Accountants.
CPA Directory
A searchable web directory of CPAs.
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

The Financial Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative accounting standards for the private sector.

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative accounting standards for US government accounting. 

PPC Website
Guide and course materials related to PPC's Nonprofit Tax and Governance Guide.  
Securities and Exchange Commission administers and enforces the securities laws of the United States including issuing rules and releases regulating financial reporting of public companies. EDGAR documents available at this site. 

Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
The Board, in order to protect the public and ensure competence in the practice by the profession, examines, certifies and licenses CPAs.

United States Tax Court
Tax Court and Memorandum Opinions from September 1995 to present.


  Reference: 832.559.4211
Circulation: 832.559.4206


Monday - Thursday: 8AM-9:00PM
Friday: 8AM-6PM
Saturday: 10AM-5PM

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