
Drama Criticism



Recommended Databases for Drama Criticism

Bloom's Literature

Literary Reference Center

Literature Resource Center  


Literature Resource Center

Project MUSE

Recommended Web Sites for Drama

About.com: Plays/Drama                      

Online Literary Criticism Collection

Literary Resources on the Net   


Reference books on Drama Criticism


 Drama Criticism        REF PN 1601 .D59
 Drama for Students  REF 808.2 Dar
 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama    REF PN 1625 .M3 1984
 Shakespearean Criticism  REF PR 2965 .S43
 Shakespeare for Students   REF 822.33 Sha
 Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome  REF PA 3002 .A5 1982
 Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC)  REF PN 771 .C59
 Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (TCLC)  REF PN 771 .G27
 Classical and Medieval Criticism (CMC)  REF PN 610 .C53
 Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism (NCLC)  REF PN 761 .N5
 Twentieth Century American Literature     REF PS 221 .T834


Selection of Drama Criticism Books in the Library's Collection 

The books listed below discuss drama criticism, but instead of discussing the works of one particular author, these books contain essays on the works of more than one author. Therefore, they can be easily overlooked when searching for criticism on a particular author or work.For example, if you search for criticism on Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll House, the book The Absent Father in Modern Drama will not appear in the results list, yet chapter 3 of that book discusses A Doll House at length. Look in the index of these books to see if they contain critism on the play you are searching.


 Ancient Greek Hero  PA 3015 . H43 N338
 Greek Theatre in Context  PA 3131. D78 2008
 Greek Tragedy  PA 3131 .K5 1966b
 Theatre and Feminist Aesthetics   PN 1590 .W64 T49
 Political Violence in Drama  PN 1643 .D34 1987
 The Absent Father in Modern Drama  PN 1821 .R67 1995
 The Vital Lie: Reality and Illusion in Modern Drama  PN 1851 .A23  1989
 The Making of Modern Drama  PN 1851 .G5 1999
 The Theatre of the Absurd  PN 1861 .E8 1991
 A Companion To Tragedy  PN 1892 .C56 2009
 Drama On Stage  PN  6112  .G64 1978
 Crown Guide to the World’s Great Plays  PN 6112.5 .S451984
 Dramatic Closure  PR 635 .C67 S35
 Gender, Race, Renaissance Drama  PR 658 .S42 L66
 Moral Experiment in Jacobean Drama   PR 678 .E85 W48
 Modern British Drama   PR 736 .I53  2002
 Modern Dramatists  PR 736 .M 56 2001
 The Presence of the Past in Modern American Drama  PS 338 .M44 S37
 American Playwrights Since 1945  PS 350 .A53
 American Drama of the Twentieth Century  PS 350 .B47 1992
 Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama  PS 351 .B483 1982
 American Drama 1945-2000: An Introduction  PS 352 .K73 2006

Last Updated: 03-27-14



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