
Class Start Options

happy college students standing

Achieve your goals with our flexible 8-14 week courses

It’s never too late to enroll in classes at Lone Star College. Each semester, the college offers Next Start classes ranging from 8 to 14 weeks that are available in-person, online or hybrid formats. Next Start classes fit a broad range of goals to help students earn associate degrees, program certificates or transfer credits to a four-year university. Use the course search buttons below to find courses that fit your schedule. Enroll anytime and start learning today!

Search for Classes

To view available class options, use the search tools below. Current students, for help searching for classes in myLoneStar, view the How-To Document (PDF).

New Student Search Current Student Search

Next Start Options*

Next Start Class Search

Campus Next Start Offerings

Ready to Get Started

Are you a new or returning student? Follow the path to get started today.


New to Lone Star College or Returning After 2+ Years

Complete the admissions application and checklist for transfer and workforce credit programs.


Complete Checklist


Ready to Register

Students register through the student tile in myLoneStar. The admissions checklist must be complete first.

Access myLoneStar


Make LSC part of your story.