
The Empowerment Center

The Empowerment Center logoThe Empowerment Center is open Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Please drop in during these hours. If you need to visit The Empowerment Center during the evening/weekend class times please contact the evening/weekend coordinator at 281-290-3233.

Huddle Up Against Hunger!

Join Empower U members Joshua Villalobos, Ruba Younes, and Rebecca Cates to support our students in need with donations for The Empowerment Center (TEC). Their goals are to collect 200 items, get 100% participation from all divisions and departments, and predict who will win the Super Bowl. The specific items you donate serve as your vote for the AFC Team or NFC Team: AFC = noodles, canned fruits, and snacks; NFC = canned meats, canned beans, and snack bars.

Collection boxes are located at: CASE 215, HSC2 145, TECH 123, HSC1 204, CASA 103, CASA 114, LRNC 246, and the Library Circulation Desk. Email Rebecca.Cates@LoneStar.edu for information.

College is an exciting time. It can also be a very challenging time for students of all ages and from all backgrounds.

Lone Star College-CyFair has created The Empowerment Center for you. We recognize that not every student question or need can be addressed in the classroom.

If you have questions and don’t know where to get the answers, come visit us.

Do you need food? The Food for Thought Food Pantry is open Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. You may contact the Food Pantry at 832.482.1019 or email CF-Food@lonestar.edu if you have any questions.

Do you need clothes for a job interview? The Career Closet provides a range of sizes and styles in clothes and shoes for students needing a great outfit.

Do you feel alone, like no one understands what you’re going through? The Empowerment Center will help you find the right resources to address your personal needs. Counseling professionals are also available and trained to assist you in meeting your academic, career and personal goals. Counselors are available in Counseling Services CASA 109. You can contact Counseling Services at 281-290-3260.

We are The Empowerment Center. We are faculty, staff, and administrators who believe in the worth of every student and the value of every question. Come on in to The Empowerment Center, CASA 121.

Together, we will find your answers.

Houston Food Bank Food for Change Food Scholarship Application

Currently enrolled LSC-CyFair students are eligible for the Houston Food Bank's Food For Change Food Scholarship Program. Recipients receive groceries two times a month at Food for Change Markets. Click here to complete the application for the Food Scholarship Program.

Houston Food Bank School Markets 

These markets are open to the public and serve as an additional resource for staff, students, and community members that need food support but do not qualify for the Houston Food Bank Scholarship Program.

The following markets are located closest to the LSC-CyFair campus. Additional markets and information can be found at the Houston Food Bank webpage

Cy-Ridge High School
7900 N. Eldridge Pkwy
Houston, TX 77041
1st & 3rd Tuesday
9:00am - 12:00pm

Klein Forest High School
11400 Misty Valley
Houston, TX 77066
Weekly, Thursday
8:00am - 11:00am

Waller High School
31213 Waller Spring Creek Rd.
Waller, TX 77484
2nd & 4th Wednesday
9:00am - 12:00pm

LSC-Cypress Center Food Pantry

LSC-Cypress Center Empowerment Corner Food PantryThe LSC-Cypress Center Empowerment Corner Food Pantry is now open too! Food, toiletries and school supplies are also available for students and staff in need at our satellite center campus. The pantry is located in the Learning Commons CY 101 and is open from 8 am - 6 pm on Monday - Thursday.

Make LSC part of your story.