Notice of Potential Ineligibility for License 1
If you are applying for admission to a College program or enrolling in a College program that may prepare you for an initial occupational license2 issued by a Licensing authority3 and/or if you later decide to change to a program that prepares you for an occupational license, please be advised of the following:
- An individual who has been convicted of an offense may be ineligible for issuance of an occupational license upon completion of the educational program.
- Licensing authorities that issue an occupational license to an individual who completes the educational program issue guidelines stating the reasons a particular crime is considered to relate to a particular occupational license and any other criterion that affects the decisions of the licensing authority.
- A state licensing authority that issues guidelines files those guidelines with the secretary of state for publication in the Texas Register.
- Local or county licensing authorities that issue an occupational license to an individual who completes the educational program issue guidelines related to criminal history and post the guidelines at the courthouse of the county in which the licensing authority is located or publish them in a newspaper having countrywide circulation in that county.
- Applicants should contact their respective local or county licensing authority for more details.
- An individual may request a criminal history evaluation letter regarding the personal eligibility for a license issued by a licensing authority as required by Texas Occupation Code § 53.102.
All applicants to and enrollees are encouraged to review all applicable eligibility requirements related to the respective occupational license. Questions related to eligibility requirements should be directed to the applicable licensing authority.