

Vendor Sources

Q. How do I become a Supplier?
 Log into the iStar Vendor Portal and click on the Register as a Supplier link. 

Upon registration completion you will receive a confirmation email containing your Supplier ID number, User ID and Password.  

The vendor services team will review all registrations and contact you with any questions or further instructions.

Purchase Orders

Q. How do I acknowledge my purchase orders?

There is a link attached within the email for your dispatched purchase order to acknowledge your purchase order.  Click on the link to login to our iStar Vendor Portal.  Enter your Supplier User ID and Password.  Click the Sign In button.

From the Main Menu, select Manage Orders > Acknowledge Purchase Orders from the drop down menu.

Delete the From Date and To Date. Enter the PO ID # (including all leading zeros) in the From PO ID and To PO ID fields and click Search.

Click on the Purchase Order hyper link to open the Acknowledgement Summary.

Click the Save & Send Acknowledgement button to complete the PO acknowledgement.

Please contact Aaron Oleshansky if you have any questions regarding acknowledging your order.  Aaron.Oleshansky@lonestar.edu, Phone #832-813-6275.


Q. Where do I submit my invoices?

Please submit your invoices to Accounts.Payable@lonestar.edu

All invoices must contain a valid Lone Star College purchase order.

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