
Use the Wireless Network

Which network do I connect to?

Wi-Fi networks


LSC-affiliated students and employees;

University Center students and employees;

Public library patrons

LoneStar-Visitor All other visitors (contractors, vendors, conference attendees, presenters, etc.)


How do I connect my personal mobile device to the wireless network (Wi-Fi)?

LSC students, faculty, and staff: Connect to LoneStar and log in using your LSC email and password.

Public library patrons and University Center students, faculty, and staff: Connect to LoneStar using your 14-digit library card number as your username and PIN as your password. Public library patrons should stop by the Library Service Desk to have their cards activated.

All other visitors (contractors, vendors, or visitors who are attending conferences or giving presentations): You must be registered as a visitor in order to access the LoneStar-Visitor network. Please visit your Library Service Desk for more information.

For troubleshooting or further assistance with network connectivity, please contact the Office of Technology Services.

Is the wireless network secure?

The LSC wireless network is as secure as any open public access network. It is always a good idea to make sure you are on an SSL-encrypted web page prior to sending or receiving confidential data.

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