Get a Library Card
A LSC Library Barcode number may be used as an alternate way to access LSC library resources off-campus. LSC library barcodes also provide access to online resources from Harris County Public Library.
LSC employees will need a library barcode number to login to campus-specific databases from off-campus. A small number of databases require use of a library barcode for students as well.
Library Barcode numbers are 14-digit numbers. They are located on the back of LSC ID cards.
LSC students and employees unable to visit a campus for an ID card may request a barcode online through the Library Barcode Request Form. Please note: library barcode requests may take 1-2 business days to be assigned and will be delivered to LSC email addresses only.
Access Problems:
*Off-campus/network access may require setting up LSC Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
If you need assistance, contact the library.