
Get a Library Card

student id card with a photo


LSC student and employee ID cards also serve as LSC Library cards.

Get an LSC ID card/ Library Card

laptop with a barcode on the screen

MyLoneStar Login for Online Access

LSC Libraries' online resources are accessible off-campus using your myLoneStar email address and password.* 

Video: How to Access Library Databases

library card in front of books


Community members may use library cards from HCPL and MCML systems to borrow LSC Libraries resources.

Get an HCPL Library Card

Get a MCML Library Card

A LSC Library Barcode number may be used as an alternate way to access LSC library resources off-campus. LSC library barcodes also provide access to online resources from Harris County Public Library.

LSC employees will need a library barcode number to login to campus-specific databases from off-campus. A small number of databases require use of a library barcode for students as well.

Library Barcode numbers are 14-digit numbers. They are located on the back of LSC ID cards.

LSC students and employees unable to visit a campus for an ID card may request a barcode online through the Library Barcode Request Form. Please note: library barcode requests may take 1-2 business days to be assigned and will be delivered to LSC email addresses only.

Access Problems:

*Off-campus/network access may require setting up LSC Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
If you need assistance, contact the library.


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