
Library Exhibit/Display Agreement

The LSC-Tomball Community Library has a locked display case available for individuals and groups to exhibit materials for educational, cultural, charitable, governmental, and civic purposes.  

Display case dimensions: 77”h x 48”w x  18”d
Shelf weight limit: 5 lbs

The exhibit guidelines are:

  • Exhibits shall be displayed for a time not to exceed 4 weeks. Displays are to be set up on the first day of the month the library is open and removed promptly on the last day of the month the library is open. Additional exhibit time may be granted by the library’s co-directors or designee.
  • Individuals or groups are responsible for the installation, labeling and dismantling of the display.
  • The use of library space to provide an exhibit or display for an individual or group does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of that individual or group's policies or beliefs.
  • The Library cannot be responsible for any materials lost or damaged during an exhibit's run, its mounting, or dismounting. Groups or individuals provide display materials at their own risk.
  • All exhibits are subject to the review and approval of the Library’s co-directors.
  • Individuals or representatives of groups wishing to use the display must be 18 years or older and have a current HCPL library card or Lone Star College ID. 

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