
LSC-North Harris Library Study Room Guidelines


These guidelines have been developed to ensure fair use of the 4 study rooms on the second floor and the 2 study rooms on the third floor of the LSC-North Harris Library.


Checkout Guidelines

  • Study rooms are for LSCS students and faculty groups engaged in library related activities.
  • One student must show a valid Lone Star College ID when checking out the study room. All students using the study room should be able to produce a student ID. Students unable to show valid Lone Star College Student ID on request will be asked to leave the study room.
  • When students need a room, they can make a reservation here: https://lonestar.libcal.com/reserve/studyrooms
  • Study rooms may be booked up to one week in advance.
  • Study room bookings will be held for up to 15 minutes after booking time before being canceled.
  • Study rooms may be used by up to 5 students per group. 
  • Each group may check out one study room a day for up to 3 hours a day.
  • Study rooms are meant to be shared by as many students as possible. Back-to-back and/or multiple reservations by a group beyond the daily 3 hour limit are not allowed even if different people in the group are reserving the room. Such reservations may be canceled by library staff.
  • Study rooms are to remain locked during business hours.  The staff on duty will unlock the door when users arrive to checkout a study room.
  • Priority will be given to groups. Individual students may use the study rooms, but may be asked to relinquish the room for study groups.
  • Study rooms may be available for faculty to reserve for library related activities on a case by case basis. Please contact the library with questions about reserving study spaces.
  • Exceptions can be made for community patrons on a limited basis at the discretion of the library staff. Community patrons may be asked to give up the study room for a group.  


Study Room Usage Rules

  • Priority use goes to student groups engaged in school related activities. Students may use rooms for recreational purposes (i.e. playing games), but may be asked to relinquish the room at library staff discretion. 
  • The rooms are not soundproof. Please keep the door closed and keep voices at a moderate level to avoid disturbing others.
  • Drinks with lids and individual snacks are allowed. Meals, lunches, and other food should be eaten outside of the library. Please clean up afterwards.
  • Use only dry erase markers on the white board. Markers and erasers are available at the 2nd floor Circulation Desk and the 3rd floor Reference Desk. Keep caps on markers when not in use. Return markers when leaving the room.
  • The maximum occupancy of a chair is one.
  • Per the Student Code of Conduct Section VI.E.1.03(r), students may not “engage in obscene, vulgar, lewd, or indecent conduct, expression, or sexual conduct on the College’s property.” http://www.lonestar.edu/student-responsibilities.htm

Students found in violation of these rules may be asked to leave the study rooms immediately and issued a warning. Students found in violation of these rules on more than one occasion may be banned from using library study rooms, and referred to the campus diciplinary officer or campus police for diciplinary action. 


These guidelines have been reviewed and updated as of September 7, 2021. 


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