Excellence in Education 2021


Dr. Linda Stegall

Excellence in Education
Scholarship Endowment

a Student Recognition Celebration

Friday, October 15, 2021 | 6 p.m.

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Tonight we celebrate the thirteenth class of Dr. Linda Stegall Excellence in Education Scholars. This extraordinary scholarship is made possible by an anonymous donor who, in April 2008, contributed a $1 million gift to Lone Star College Foundation in the name of Dr. Linda Stegall, former President of Lone Star College-Kingwood, in honor of her service and passion for higher education.

The scholarship was established to recognize the academic achievements of twenty students at LSC-Kingwood in perpetuity; to afford those students an opportunity to complete their second year and earn their associate degree without any financial constraints.

In December 2012, a second gift was given to increase the amount of the scholarship and to recognize an additional five students. To date this legacy has touched 302 individuals and will continue to honor the academic success of high-achieving students in perpetuity. Lone Star College Foundation is grateful for this gift and the impact it has had on our students and those to follow.



Eric Skiles, Master of Ceremonies
Professor & Artistic Director of Theatre
Lone Star College-Kingwood


Nicole Robinson Gauthier, Executive Director
Lone Star College Foundation


Dr. Melissa N. Gonzalez


Neli Hernandez
Former Scholarship Recipient


Eric Skiles


Dr. Linda Stegall


Nicole Robinson Gauthier


photo of Moises Aguilar

Moises Aguilar

Moises Aguilar will complete an A.A. degree and transfer to UH to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. He wants to be a licensed family therapist where he knows he can positively impact the lives of people every day. Moises thanks his mother and father for their love and support, and to the donor for enabling him to finish his degree debt-free.

photo of Taylor Beaman

Taylor Beaman

Taylor Beaman is pursuing an A.S. degree in Computer Science. She will complete her bachelor’s degree at UH. She thanks her parents for support through every obstacle, and friends and family for always helping along the way. She is grateful for this scholarship and the opportunity to further her goals.

Jennifer Becker

Jennifer Becker

Jennifer Becker is a Level Two nursing student with plans to graduate with an A.A.S. After spending twelve years as a medical assistant, Jennifer returned to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is thankful for her husband’s support and encouragement, and hopes to set a positive example for her son, a freshman in college, the importance of higher education. Jennifer is grateful for this scholarship to pursue her dream of becoming a Registered Nurse.

photo of Hunter Callender

Hunter Callender

Hunter Callender is pursuing an A.A.S. in Network & Computer System Administration. After completing his first year of college, he has no plans of stopping now.  Hunter looks forward to expanding his IT knowledge through on-the-job experience. This scholarship reduces the amount of debt for his education and Hunter is truly grateful.

photo of Kacey Contreras

Kacey Contreras

Kacey Contreras is pursuing an A.A.S. in Respiratory Care and expects to graduate in May 2022. She will pursue her bachelor’s degree while working full-time as a registered respiratory therapist. Thanks to this scholarship, she can continue her education debt-free. Kacey thanks her loved ones for always supporting her – they are her inspiration and motivation.

photo of Yenifer Lopez Corona

Yenifer Lopez Corona

Yenifer Lopez Corona is pursuing an A.A. in Teaching with a focus in Early Childhood and expects to graduate in 2022, with plans to transfer to UH-Downtown. After graduating, her goal is to work as an elementary school teacher and to show students that they matter and to support them. Yenifer is thankful for this scholarship and for all the people who have supported her in realizing her dreams.

photo of Eloy Escobedo

Eloy Escobedo

Eloy Escobedo  is pursuing an A.S. in Mechanical Engineering and plans to continue to earn a bachelor’s from UH in the same field of study. After receiving a certificate in Engine Block Machining from the School of Automotive Machinist & Technology, he decided to further his education and follow his dreams. This scholarship has inspired him to work harder and given him a greater outlook toward his future.

photo of Olibvia Garcia

Olivia Garcia

Olivia Garcia will graduate with an A.A. degree in fall 2022. She would like to continue her education at UH for a double major in Business and Criminal Justice that will fulfill her enthusiasm in crime documentaries and mathematical equations. Olivia is grateful for this scholarship and the support of her family to help her dream come true.

photo of Rae Dawn Gomez

Rae Dawn Gomez

Rae Dawn Gomez is pursuing an A.S. in biology and is committed to attend medical school to become a doctor. After earning her medical degree, she would like to join a medical humanitarian organization to provide basic health care to those less fortunate around the world. Rae Dawn thanks her parents for their love, and she is forever grateful to the benefactor.

photo of Taryn Hemsing

Taryn Hemsing

Taryn Hemsing is pursuing an A.A. in Music. She plans to complete a bachelor’s degree in Music Education and to become a high school choir director, and inspire other students as she has been. Taryn would like to give thanks to her family, friends, and teachers for their support. She is thankful for this scholarship to help achieve her goals.

photo of Ashley Howe

Ashley Howe

Ashley Howe is a Level Two nursing student, pursuing an A.A.S. She plans to continue with LSC to earn a bachelor’s in Nursing to one day specialize in women’s health, specifically as a labor and delivery nurse. She hopes to serve others in times of uncertainty the same way that her needs have been met. Ashley is truly grateful for this scholarship that validates and rewards the hard work that she has put into achieving her goal.

photo of Christopher Hunter

Christopher Hunter

Christopher Hunter is currently pursuing an A.A. Upon completion, he will transfer to the Jesse H. Jones School of Business at TSU to earn a B.B.A. in Finance.  He is thankful for his grandmother; and to Apostle Archie and Pastor Jordan, for their patience and support in the most pivotal times of his life.  Christopher is also thankful to the donor for this scholarship to continue his education and the opportunities of new career paths – he knows he can endure, succeed, and excel.

photo of Stormy Jackson

Stormy Jackson

Stormy Jackson  is pursuing an A.A.S. in Accounting with plans to graduate in fall 2022.  Her aunt was also her math teacher – where she learned the value of mathematics, and her interest in accounting grew with a passion for problem solving and organization. She wants to set an example for her son to show him the importance of education and working hard to realize one’s dreams. Stormy thanks her family for their support, as well as the donor for this scholarship to reach her goals.

photo of Madison Lauderdale

Madison Lauderdale

Madison Lauderdale is pursuing an A.A. in Teaching and plans to transfer to UH to complete her degree. She would like to become an elementary school teacher to third graders. She is also a member of the National Honors Society and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.  Madison would like to thank her parents for pushing her to be the person she is today, and to the donor because it will help her spend less time at work and more time studying.

photo of Trisha Llesis

Trisha Llesis

Trisha Llesis is pursuing an A.A.S. in Occupational Therapy and plans to graduate in May 2022. Upon completion, she plans on giving back to the local community healthcare facilities where her passion is helping take care of people.  Trisha would love to work for Lone Star College and teach future students.  She is grateful for this scholarship to help reach her goals and thanks everyone who was instrumental in supporting her to achieve her dream.

photo of Amy Long

Amy Long

Amy Long is pursuing an A.S. with plans to transfer to UH to pursue a bachelor’s in Biotechnology.  After graduation, Amy intends to enter a career as a Clinical Research Coordinator to engage in groundbreaking medical advancement and treatments to save lives. Amy is a Phi Theta Kappa member and a recent nominee to the National Society for Leadership and Success.  She is grateful to her family for their support.  Amy is forever thankful for this scholarship, and hopes to be able to give back to the community as it has given to her.

photo of SkylarRose Mann

SkylarRose Mann

SkylarRose Mann is pursuing an A.A. degree with plans to earn a bachelor’s in Graphic Design at the University of Texas. She is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. One day, SkylarRose hopes to work with a video game design company to incorporate her love of art and technology. She is eternally grateful for this scholarship and thanks her parents, siblings, and friends for their continued support on her journey to pursue her higher education degree.

photo of Erika Montesnieto

Erika Montesnieto

Erika Montesnieto is a Level Two nursing student, pursuing an A.A.S. with plans to graduate in December 2022. She has worked in the medical field as a certified medical assistant/phlebotomist for over fifteen years and decided to return to school to pursue a degree in nursing. She intends to further her education by obtaining her B.S.N. and become a nurse practitioner. She is thankful for this scholarship that is allowing her to realize her dream. She also thanks her husband and two daughters for their continued support.

photo of Abigail Morillon

Abigail Morillon

Abigail Morillon is pursuing an A.S. degree with plans to transfer to Texas Women’s University to complete her B.S.N.  After graduating, she wants to work at Texas Children’s Hospital as a Nurse Practitioner. She has always enjoyed helping others and contributing to the community through the medical field. She is grateful for this scholarship that is allowing her to get closer to realizing her dreams.

photo of Marnelle Pascasio

Marnelle Pascasio

Marnelle Pascasio, also known as “Marnie,” is pursuing an A.A.S. in Game Design and Simulation, and plans to transfer to UT Austin to pursue her bachelor’s degree in Arts and Entertainment Technologies. Her goal is to work in the video game industry where she can utilize video games and similar entertainment to share knowledge and bring joy to people of all ages. Marnie is honored to have been granted this scholarship. She thanks her father for his never-ending support and encouragement in the pursuit of her academic goals.

photo of Casey Payton

Casey Payton

Casey Payton is pursuing an A.A. in Business with plans to attend UH to earn a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. She looks forward to joining a marketing agency or getting behind a brand where she can use her skills and creativity to help them reach their goals. Casey is thankful for her support system: husband, parents, friends, and three little ones, that have encouraged and pushed her to do her best; and to the donor for this scholarship that has brought her that much closer to reaching her dreams.

photo of Heavyn Porter

Heavyn Porter

Heavyn Porter is pursuing an A.S. in Mechanical Engineering and will then transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. Her goal is to design spacecraft and aircraft for NASA. Heavyn is grateful to have a scholarship to assist with her full-time college workload. She would like to thank her family that have supported her in everything she has done and to the donors who have made her dream possible.

photo of Kristie Rieniets

Kristie Rieniets

Kristie Rieniets is in the second year of the Dental Hygiene program and expects to graduate May 2022. It took her a few extra semesters to determine her career path, but she could not be happier with the route she has selected. Dental hygiene is not just a job, it is an opportunity to help others every day in a way she never thought possible. She wishes to give thanks to her parents and her fiancé, for always supporting her and pushing her to pursue something that she loves. This scholarship has helped her beyond measure, and Kristie is so thankful to have received this award.

photo of Kayla Thompson

Kayla Thompson

Kayla Thompson is pursuing an A.S. with plans to continue to earn a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. When she discovered Camp Gladiator, an outdoor fitness bootcamp, it sparked an interest in becoming a certified personal trainer. With her degree in Kinesiology, she will learn more in depth about what the body, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle can do for quality of life. Kayla thanks her wife for always supporting her decisions and dreams even when they changed, and her family for always encouraging and helping her remember that she can do anything she sets her mind to. She adds that this scholarship has allowed her to finish her degree faster and is thankful that she was chosen.

photo of Charlotte Wanamaker

Charlotte Wanamaker

Charlotte Wanamaker is pursuing an A.A.S. in Nursing with plans to graduate in 2022. She hopes to continue to obtain her B.S.N. and become a caring patient advocate. Charlotte has dreamed of being a nurse since childhood and is thankful to her mother and this scholarship for making that dream come true.

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