Judy Lux just may be the ultimate multi-tasker! As she retires from serving as Director of Special Events for the LSC Foundation for the past ten years, she reflects fondly on her time here. Although she is thrilled to now have more time to spend with her husband and grandchildren, she is also going to greatly miss her work.
"What has motivated me in my work is my belief in the Foundation's mission, and how students' lives are changed and how they grow and prosper. It has been wonderful to serve as a fundraiser and a friendraiser, bringing our community partners together with LSC students."
Even in retirement, Judy plans to serve as a steadfast Foundation supporter, and this support is in the family genes as well. "My mother always loved the work of the Foundation," says Judy, speaking of Mrs. Rosemary Jaraczewski, "and she supported it in many ways...from making cookies for the staff, to personally sewing wine bags for the Wine Pull at the Gala. She just loved being a part of it all." The 2014 passing of Judy's beloved mother was an opportunity for Judy's friends to honor this special lady by donating the seed money to establish a scholarship in her mother's name, and Judy plans to add to these funds annually. What's more, Judy's own daughters plan to use some of the inheritance from their beloved grandmother to also support this scholarship. What was especially exciting for Judy was when she personally met the scholarship recipient of her mother's endowment at the Gala VIP party last year. Says Judy, "it was a wonderful way to see it come full circle."
Fundraising efforts spearheaded by Judy have succeeded in raising a total of over $6 million for the Foundation over the years! Says Judy, "the students, volunteers, and fellow employees have all been so generous with their time and their dollars...this is what has made my time working here amazing, and we could not have done the work without those partnerships," says Judy. "I'm excited to always support the work of the Foundation."
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