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External Customer Reservations

Companies and other organizations can reserve a meeting room for conferences, special events or meetings by submitting a request via the External Reservation Request Form, or by emailing UP-ConferenceCenter@LoneStar.edu. Reservation requests should be submitted at least 12 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event. All room requests will require a signed Facility Use Agreement (Conference Center Manager or staff will provide this form) with Liability Certificate.

Please note, your reservation is not final, and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from a member of the Conference Center staff. Once your reservation request is received, you will receive an email response within 5 business days from your initial request.

Internal Customer Reservations

Lone Star College employees can reserve a room for a special event, conference, or meeting by submitting a request via the Internal Reservation Request Form, or by emailing UP-ConferenceCenter@LoneStar.edu. Reservation requests should be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the date of the meeting or event.

Please note, your reservation is not final, and your event location should not be publicized until you have received a confirmation from a member of the Conference Center staff. Once your reservation request is received, you will receive an email response within 5 business days from your initial request.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please contact us by email at UP-ConferenceCenter@LoneStar.edu, or by phone at 281.290.2872.

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