2012-progam-application2012 Progam Application costa-rica-2010-0821

Join us in May 2012 for a study abroad adventure of a lifetime.costa-rica-2010-1141

This Costa Rica study abroad program will be offered in May 2012, proposed class dates are May 14th – June 8th.  Cost at this point is estimated at @ $2,500.  

Students enrolled in this study abroad program will receive credit for both BIOL 1407 Biology II and KINE 1172 Backcountry Expeditioning.  The only pre-req for the course is BIOL 1406 Biology I.  We will be in the country an estimated 10 days, with five days spent at a biological research station on the Osa Peninsula called Campanario (www.campanario.org) and the next five days at the University of Georgia – Costa Rica campus (http://www.uga.edu/costarica/).  Because I believe a picture is worth a thousand words, I would encourage you to peruse the two websites with all the pretty pictures.  Students will experience two very different tropical environments, the lowland jungles along the Osa Peninsula and the cloud forests high in the mountains of Monteverde.   

If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask.  We are very excited about taking Lone Star students to the rain forest. 

For more information about the course, please feel free to contact me at Ronald.A.Nespeca@lonestar.edu or Clay White at Clay.J.White@lonestar.edu.



Study Abroad in Costa Rica Video

Check out our Travel Blog from May 2010






