
Study Room Reservations

photo of study rooms at LSC-UPThe Student Learning Resource Center has 3 small group study rooms available for current Lone Star College students.


Request A Reservation

Reserve a study room!

You will receive an email confirmation of your reservation which includes a link to cancel the reservation if needed.  

Room Usage Guidelines

  • Rooms are intended for group study (2 or more Lone Star College students).
  • Furniture should not be moved into or out of the study rooms.
  • Unfortunately, these rooms are not soundproof. You don't have to be silent, but please be conscious of your group's volume, especially when others are studying in an adjacent room.
  • All rules that apply to the rest of the SLRC apply within the study rooms, including:
    • Snacks and covered drinks are welcome, but please eat your meals in the cafeteria or at Minuti cafe on the second floor.
    • Smoking, vaping, and alcohol consumption are not allowed at any time.
  • When your reservation has ended, tidy up the room and return the token to the front desk. Note: these room tokens can and will accumulate late fees at the usual reserve rate ($0.50/hr). 

Read the detailed study room guidelines and instructions here.

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