
LSC Alert

The following Lone Star College properties are closed for the rest of the day (5/2/24) and will reopen tomorrow (5/3/24) normal time:

Atascocita Center, Conroe Center, Creekside Center, East Aldine Center, Health Science Building (Tomball), Kingwood Main Campus, Montgomery Main Campus, Process Technology Center, Tomball Main Campus, and University Center - The Woodlands.

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Spend less time in the car going to class and more time earning the education you deserve.

Class Options

  • icon for online classes

    A flexible and convenient option for busy schedules and freedom to self-direct.

  • icon for hybrid classes

    A combination of online and face-to-face learning, for the best of both worlds.

  • icon for face-to-face classes

    Also known as in-person classes, these take place entirely on campus.

photo of students in a group outside

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